World3D has a Trojun!
Blitz3D Forums/Blitz3D Userlibs/World3D has a Trojun!
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I like the specifics an capabilities of Worl3D, in the Blitz Toolbox, but was warned off by my security package ( AVG ) that it had a Trojun and wouldn't load it. A shame as it seemed ideal for what I wanted. Has anyone here downloaded a "healthy" version? Thanks Dicon |
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I'm not familiar with World3D but the AVG alert could well be a false positive due to to the way the app has been packaged. It's happened before with other apps. |
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hmm seems like something going around i got a trojan after a fresh realmcrafter download, primarily in the server.exe Not sure if this is somehow connected in any way. |
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World3D has no virii. The demo is molebox packaged which causes some av's to report it a virii. I can assure you theres no trojan in world3d. |
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I did try, on another computer and it was still rejected. Will there be an upgrade? It looks good but I cannot run the .exe however hard I try. Dicon |
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Turn off AVG before you try to run it. Your results may change. |
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EEK! |
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I tried it as well out of curiosity and AVG reports a Trojan here too, so it's not just you; it's either AVG or World3D. Options: - ignore the message and turn off AVG (don't do this) - don't use World3D - check it with another scanner to confirm that it's clean, then report the file to AVG as a false positive. Then turn off AVG or similar while you use it Microsoft Security Essentials is another free solution that can help you do this (not very fast though). |
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The best thing to do, is send the file to AVG or whoever and ask them to test it. They can then update their detections if necessary to not include the false positive. |