Problem decide BlitzMax or Monkey X

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Problem decide BlitzMax or Monkey X

MOBii(Posted 2014) [#1]
I wanted to get a Rich Edit Object for a small Scripting project
is there any limitation for:
Before I rush buying BlitzMax instead of Monkey X?

Pro BlitzMax for me:
Windows application object's
How come BlitzMax start the .exe file so very fast? DirectX or just WinGUI?

Con BlitzMax for me:
No html5 and Android

Pro Monkey X for me
html5 and Android

Con Monkey X for me
Monkey X is irritating slow to start! OpenGL?
No DirectX
No Windows application object's

degac(Posted 2014) [#2]
If you want to create desktop application (not games) for win, linux and mac you should stay with BlitzMax.

MonkeyX is designed for games, it has no direct OS's GUI support at all. (at the moment, I dont' know if there are plans to introduce some sort of MaxGUI equivalent for MonkeyX... )

Brucey(Posted 2014) [#3]
Once upon a time, BlitzMax was designed for games too.

In actual fact, it still is. They just happened to come along and add a GUI module for it at some point.

However, it seems to me (based on your pro/con) that html5 and android are very important to you, so you've basically made your choice already.

Henri(Posted 2014) [#4]

is there any limitation for:

If you mean TextArea-gadget itself then one limitation comes to mind. In MaxGUI implementation you can't have different fonts (or font sizes) in one gadget. Also no funky objects.
Theoratically it's possible ,but one would have to make some alterations in MaxGUI.

As for Monkey vs. Blitzmax, well... there are plenty of opinions, but if you browse the Website/forums for both you get pretty good idea what is possible.
In Blitzmax almost everything is pre-build so thats why everything starts faster AFAIK.


MOBii(Posted 2014) [#5]
auto-generated parser for the BlitzMax textarea?
Brucey write: wxScintilla to syntax highlight:
is there any example of that I can download?

My heart is more at BlitzMax
html5 and Android would be cool but I like the .exe to be small and fast.

I test my very BASIC:
and it take more than 2 sec to start up (no compiling)

My BlitzMax .exe more or less start before the Enter key still in air

and I see BlitzMax have a MySQL module I shall see if I can get it started before my 30 day test period runs out

I start learn that all environment have holes what they can't do

*(Posted 2014) [#6]
Tbh if you want windows/OSX/ and Linux support then go max

If you want html5 and android as well then go monkey, in the desktop front (windows,OSX and Linux front) max is better suited than monkey.

MOBii(Posted 2014) [#7]
I buy BlitzMAX, Monkey X lose today
Probably says allot of my personality when I chose BlitzMAX over Monkey X

I looking forward to test Brucey MySQL Module
thank the guys