Fixup error
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Fixup error
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Hello, I am new to game programming and am having a lot of fun with blitzmax. My game runs fine as it stands. However, if I add any more lines of code to my main loop I get the following error when I compile: 10682:Fixup of -32856 too large for field width of 16 bits As my game isnt finished, this is a bit of a problem. I started off coding procedurally (I've done a little sysadmin scripting before) but soon tried an Object Oriented style. Hence the Player1 ship is not an object and coded in the main loop, whereas other things are objects. Below is a brief outline of my program flow in summary form. I'm hoping there is an obvious flaw in my approach that may cause this error and someone can kindly put me straight. What does the error mean and how can I avoid it in future? Is it related to the nested While....Wend loops? Define graphics Define Types (currently 8 types) Initialize pre-game variables (create lists, incbin, read hi-score file) While not Keydown(Key_escape) flip, cls draw title screen wait for key - if "1" the play_game=1, if "esc" game will bomb out due to outer while loop. If nothing we loop back round initialize vars While play_game=1 cls clear all type lists (all enemies, stars, etc destroyed) While not player1_left=0 reset enemies and screen if player just died (IF..THEN) While loop to create enemies (amount based on level - objects with Type) Wend Draw game screen Key analysis - Key(left) = move player 1 left, Key(right) = move player 1 right. This code is here - player1 not an object - procedural code Ship positional anaysis. This code is here - player1 not an object - procedural code While stars < 100 draw stars (object with Type) Wend If key Z - create ship fire (object with Type) For each in starlist update next For each in big enemy list update movement and direction check collision with player1 For each ship fire object check collision with this specificbig enemy + remove both if collision + create 3middle enemies + create debris Next Next For each in middle enemy list update movement and direction check collision with player1 For each ship fire object check collision with this specific middle enemy + remove both if collision + create 3 smaller enemies + create debris Next Next For each in small enemy list update movement and direction check collision with player1 For each ship fire object check collision with this specific small enemy + remove both if collision + create debris Next DrawImage small enemy Next For each in debris list update movement and direction check collision with walls + remove if collision Next For each ship fire object list check collison with walls and remove if collison Next FLIP CLS 'For the main game if player_just_died=1 remove all objects from lists player1_left=player1_left-1 play player 1 ship explosion animation (needs 10 Flips and 10 cls in while loop) endif if player1_left=0 update hi-score file if necessary draw game over splash screen Remove all objects from lists Endif FlushMem() WEND 'player1_left=0 WEND ' play_game=1 WEND 'escape key Many Thanks, Dave. |
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I am also new to programming (totally) but in the interest of participating in the forum my suggestion would be to move a lot of your code into functions() outside your main loop. Although my first game is only 190 lines of code including a dozen or so blank lines my main loop looks like this: Repeat If KeyHit(1) If MouseX()<176 pick=1 checkhit() masterscore:+score ElseIf MouseX()>201 And MouseX()<307 pick=2 checkhit() masterscore:+score ElseIf MouseX()>332 And MouseX()<438 pick=3 checkhit() masterscore:+score ElseIf MouseX()>463 pick=4 checkhit() masterscore:+score End If End If If timer=60 bonus() drawlines() drawstates() drawcapitals() SetScale 1.5,1.5 If timer=0 And n=5 Local myChannel = PlaySound (tick) DrawImage numtiles,559,59,tilearray3[n] DrawText"Total Score = "+masterscore,58,70 DrawText"Speed Bonus:",410,70 SetScale 1,1 Flip FlushMem Cls timer:+1 score=0 Until KeyHit (key_space) I hope you can get some use out of my suggestion. |
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Thanks Emmett. I appreciate the advice. I'm convinced that moving to functions wont sort the fixup error though (although it will make it more readable). I'll test it this evening. |
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Shows you how much I know! Thanks Emmett, moving to functions appears to have fixed the problem. |
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>Shows you how much I know! Thanks Emmett, moving to >functions appears to have fixed the problem. So is the conclusion that the main loop can only be a (small) certain size? Andy |