Simply drawing a float value
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Simply drawing a float value
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I know this is cvery easy for you more expearanced users. I simply need to know how to draw the values of a number. I know there are some value to string conversions but I'm not sure how to fill the parameters. I have a float, angle that needs to be drawn at 0,0 |
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drawtext Angle,0,0 It's automatically converted to a string :) You can even append it to other strings. DrawText "The angle is "+Angle,0,0 |
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Oh, maybe my function is wrong then. It uses the mouse x and y in the calculation. the following is my function: Function point_angle#(x#,y#,x2#,y2#) Local x_length#=x-x2 Local y_length#=y-y2 Local angle#=ATan(y_length/x_length) Return angle End Function Perhaps using the mouse x and y values for the x2 and y2 are causing the error. |
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I don't think that function has anything to do with DrawText, but there is a logic error in your function. ATan only returns correct info when both x_length and y_length are either positive or negative. You need to use the ATan2 function to correct for this. The way to use it is ATan2(y,x). Notice that the y parameter is first, not the x like you would expect. This is to keep consistency with the ATan(y/x) function. It will also return a value between -180 and 180. 0 points right, -values turn counterclockwise, and +values turn clockwise. If you want 0-360, you can either add 180 to the return value, which makes 0 point left instead of right, or you can do something like If Angle < 0 then Angle :+ 360. To see it in action, try this program out Graphics 800,600,32 Local MX:Int, MY:Int, Angle:Float While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) MX = MouseX() MY = MouseY() Cls DrawLine(400,300,MX,MY) Angle = ATan2(MY-300,MX-400) DrawText "Angle = "+Angle,10,10 Flip Wend |
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Neat, although it seems the angel range is -180 to 180 instead of 0 to 360. You might add `If Angle<0 Then Angle:+360'. |
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You mean like I said in my previous post? you can do something like If Angle < 0 then Angle :+ 360. :D |
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I got it working fine. Are the screen positions for the mouse ints by default? Because I might want to do this with float vars.... |