SQLite and Umlaut
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/SQLite and Umlaut
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Hi, has somebpdy managed to read special chars like german umlaute from SQLite database with teamonkey's wrapper? When I view the db file with SQLite Browser the umlaute are displayed correct. But when I read them with the wrapper they are displayed like this: "Ão" for an "Ü" i.e. |
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I'm guessing Teamonkeys wrapper isn't handling Unicode characters very elegantly. So stop using non-latin letters. :o> |
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Rene, I don't think its the wrapper. The BlitzMax print function is not handling the european characters. See this thread: http://www.blitzmax.com/Community/posts.php?topic=59697 See the output from this code Graphics 800,600,0 Local font:TImageFont=LoadImageFont("C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf",12) SetImageFont(font) SetColor 255,255,255 DrawText "chr(220)="+Chr(220), 10, 10 Flip WaitKey() Print "chr(220)="+Chr(220) End |
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Thanks for you answers. I made some test and found out: this is strange to me. When I convert a umlaut in a BMax String (i.e. Ü -> Ão) and write this string into a SQLite field, SQLite Browser displays the umlaut correct. If I want to read this field again and display correct in BMax, I have to re-convert the umlaut again (i.e. Ão -> Ü). This has been the only way in "pre BMax 1.18" to work with umlauts in SQLite and BMax (at last I think). Now with 1.18+ you don't need to convert any umlauts. Writing and reading is fine with BMax. I tested MaxGUI and DebugLog (Print in console does not display the umlauts! Where is the difference between DebugLog and Print?). But: now the umlauts in SQL Browser display as boxes. So two apps, being able to display standard ASCII symbols, but treating them different? Why? |
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Because the umlaut U is not a standard ASCII symbol. American Standard Code for Information Interchange, being American in nature is oblivious to German special characters. |
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As far as I know german umlauts are encoded in 8bit ASCII. But the umlauts were not encoded in original 7bit ASCII. I don't know what ASCII BlitzMax is using. Maybe the problem is, that BlitzMax uses unicode only since 1.18 and SQLite Browser uses a form of 8bit ASCII. Anyway, it works now :-) |
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BM used 8bit Ascii, but BM default font is US characters only which makes umlaute breaking. (as well as other european special characters) |