Function ARGB(R%, G%, B%)
'Local cres = B + G * 256 + R * 256 * 256
Local cres%=(b Or (g Shl 8) Or (r Shl 16) Or ($ff000000))
Return cres
End Function
Function getRed(ARGB%)
'Local cres = ARGB / (256 * 256) + 256
Local cres%=(ARGB Shr 16) And $ff
Return cres
End Function
Function getGreen(ARGB%)
'Local cres = (ARGB Mod (256 * 256)) / 256 + 256
Local cres%=(ARGB Shr 8) And $ff
Return cres
End Function
Function getBlue(ARGB%)
'Local cres = (ARGB Mod (256 * 256)) Mod 256 + 256
Local cres%=ARGB And $ff
Return cres
End Function