undocumented modules - should one care?
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/undocumented modules - should one care?
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Hello! The actual BlitzMax distribution contains a list of undocumented modules, e.g.: axe.win32maxgui brl.appstub brl.basic brl.data brl.dxgraphics brl.font brl.freeaudioaudio brl.freetypefont brl.httpstream brl.maxutil pub.directx pub.enet pub.freeaudio pub.freeprocess pub.freetype pub.glew pub.libjpeg pub.libpng pub.macos pub.oggvorbis pub.stdc pub.win32 What is the status of these modules? Should we ignore them (because the are used internally by BlitzMax itself)? Are they undocumented because the staff at BRL did not yet find time to document them? Are some of them actually usefull (I saw several references to pub.freeprocess, e.g.)? Any hints would be appreciated! |
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Those modules do not hold any of the BlitzMax base command set which is probably why they're not documented. Whether they're useful depends on what you want to do. You have access to the source so you *can* see what function they contain. Finally, if you're looking into the code that deeply and want a helper application then get HotDocs. P.S. A lot of people get frustrated with the documentation. BRL are unlikely to change it. If you think something is missing or incorrectly documented then report it as a bug. If you want to know how something works then search/ask the forums. I'm not suggesting it is right just what you need to do. |
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alot of those that you listed are used by other Commands/Modules. for example, when you do "Loadsound "sound.ogg" the pub.oggvorbis gets used. GNET uses pub.ENET. |
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For the recent audio update, you need to import proper modules to work, don't know how they can code without comments.... |
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OpenGL is not documented either. |
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Indeed, OpenGL ist perhaps the most important undocumented module I forgot - on the other hand, you may have already printed the OpenGL "RedBook" anyway... Alternatively, they may look into the online reference found at http://www.talisman.org/opengl-1.1/Reference.html |
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Just to mention something 'funny' the brl.basic module does nothing. It imports anly the very basic modules required to create a console application, but it has not custom code. I use it as framework when creating console applications, just as a shortcut to several framework and import statements. |
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Stuff that is not documented is that for some simple reason: It might change without any notification and without taking your godlike projects into account. whenever you use undocumented functionality you might realize after a sync mod that nothing is working anymore as you have been used to. |