Quick little start up options thingy..

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/Quick little start up options thingy..

MGE(Posted 2007) [#1]
It's not flashy but it does it's job. I needed something to allow me to test a variety of start up display options so I coded this little diddy. I'm sure some other noobs may find it useful. ;) Quck and dirty..just like I like my...anyway.. here it is:

(Windows Only)

Extern "win32"
 Function GetActiveWindow%()
End Extern
' Set default options
Global gdriver:Int = 0
Global windowed:Int = 0 
Global vsync:Int = 1    
Global depth:Int = 32   
Global res:Int = 3     
Global screenwidth:Int
Global screenheight:Int 
' results...
' gdriver: 0=dx 1=ogl
' vsync: 0 = off 1 = on
' screenwidth = width of screen
' screenheight = height of screen
' depth = 16-24-32
' windowed: 0=no 1=yes
Function GetStartUpOptions()
 SetGraphicsDriver D3D7Max2DDriver()
 While Not KeyHit(KEY_RETURN)
  Delay 20
End Function
Function KeyOptions()
 If KeyHit(KEY_G) ; gdriver = Not gdriver
 If KeyHit(KEY_V) ; vsync = Not vsync
 If KeyHit(KEY_C)
  If depth = 16
   depth = 24
   If depth = 24
    depth = 32
    If depth = 32 
     depth = 16
 If KeyHit(KEY_R)
  res=res+1 ; If res = 5 Then res=1
 If KeyHit(KEY_D) ; windowed = Not windowed 
End Function
Function ShowOptions()
 SetColor 0,255,0
 SetTransform 0,1,1
 Local gr$,vs$,dp$,sz$,w$
 If gdriver = 0 ; gr$ = "DirectX"
 If gdriver = 1 ; gr$ = "OpenGL"
 DrawText "(G)raphics Driver = " + gr$,20,20
 If vsync = 0 ; vs$ = "Off"
 If vsync = 1 ; vs$ = "On"
 DrawText "(V)sync = " + vs$,20,40
 If depth = 16 ; dp$ = "16 bit"
 If depth = 24 ; dp$ = "24 bit"
 If depth = 32 ; dp$ = "32 bit"
 DrawText "(C)olor Depth = " + dp$,20,60
 If res = 1 ; sz$ = "320x240"
 If res = 2 ; sz$ = "640x480"
 If res = 3 ; sz$ = "800x600"
 If res = 4 ; sz$ = "1024x768"
 DrawText "(R)esolution = " + sz$,20,80
 If windowed = 0 Then w$ = "Full Screen"
 If windowed = 1 Then w$ = "Windowed"
 DrawText "(D)isplay = " + w$,20,100
 DrawText "Press RETURN to continue.",20,120
 Select res
 Case 1
  screenwidth=320 ; screenheight=240
 Case 2
  screenwidth=640 ; screenheight=480
 Case 3
  screenwidth=800 ; screenheight=600
 Case 4
  screenwidth=1024 ; screenheight=768
 End Select
End Function
Function CenterWindowWin32()
 Local hwnd:Long = GetActiveWindow()
 Local desk[4]
 Local window[4]
 GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), desk) 
 GetWindowRect(hwnd, window)
 SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_NOTOPMOST, (desk[2] - (window[2] - window[1])) / 2, (desk[3] - (window[3] - window[0])) / 2, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE)	
End Function

TaskMaster(Posted 2007) [#2]
If you are going to do the whole ?Win32 thing on the CenterWindow function, you might as well do it for everything related to DirectX. Like the Option to choose OpenGL or DIrectX, put the DirectX choice in ?Win32.

Also, your initial Graphics choice for the options screen itself should probably be OpenGL.

MGE(Posted 2007) [#3]
doh.. it's win only. Sorry about that. ;)

dmaz(Posted 2007) [#4]
no reason for ClearKey().... use KeyHit() instead of KeyDown

MGE(Posted 2007) [#5]
Cleaned up. ;) (See first post.) Thanks for the comments!