need help at Eachin :-(
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Beginners Area/need help at Eachin :-(
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hello, finaly i found some time to test bmax. before i used b+, but as i must see lots changed. so here some code that doesn't work as i thought it would. Incbin "player1.png" Incbin "player2.png" Graphics 640,480,,2 Global Anim1 = LoadAnimImage("incbin::player1.png",48,64,0,10) Global Anim2 = LoadAnimImage("incbin::player2.png",48,64,0,10) Type AniFig Field Frame Field X Field Y Field Speed Field GFX Field Timer1 Field Name$ Field RandomCase Field Direction Field Steps Field PathX1 Field PathY1 Field PathX2 Field PathY2 End Type Global Fig:AniFig Fig = New Anifig Fig.X = 150 Fig.Y = 370 Fig.Frame = 0 Fig.Speed = 50 Fig.GFX = Anim1 Fig.Timer1 = MilliSecs() Fig.Name$ = "Heidi" 'SeedRnd MilliSecs() Fig.RandomCase = Rnd(0,10000) Fig.Direction = 1 Fig.Steps = 0 MidHandleImage Fig.GFX Fig.PathX1=100 Fig.PathY1=32+Fig.Y Fig.PathX2=400 Fig.PathY2=32+Fig.Y 'Delay 235 Fig = New Anifig Fig.X = 350 Fig.Y = 290 Fig.Frame = 0 Fig.Speed = 100 Fig.GFX = Anim2 Fig.Timer1 = MilliSecs() Fig.Name$ = "Jolly" SeedRnd MilliSecs() Fig.RandomCase = Rnd(0,10000) Fig.Direction = 1 Fig.Steps = 0 MidHandleImage Fig.GFX Fig.PathX1=200 Fig.PathY1=32+Fig.Y Fig.PathX2=600 Fig.PathY2=32+Fig.Y MainLoop() Function MainLoop() SetClsColor 255,200,10 While Not KeyHit(27) Cls Animate() Flip Wend End Function Function Animate() For Fig:Anifig = EachIn AniFig SetColor 0,0,0 DrawText Fig.Name,Fig.X,Fig.Y - 33 SetColor 255,0,0 DrawLine Fig.PathX1,Fig.PathY1,Fig.PathX1,Fig.PathY2-30 DrawLine Fig.PathX2,Fig.PathY1,Fig.PathX2,Fig.PathY2-30 DrawLine Fig.PathX1,Fig.PathY1,Fig.PathX2,Fig.PathY2 SetColor 255,255,255 If fig.Direction = 1 Then SetScale(1,1) If fig.Direction = 0 Then SetScale(-1,1) 'SetRotation(180) DrawImage(Fig.GFX,Fig.X,Fig.Y,Fig.Frame) SetRotation(0) SetScale(1,1) If Fig.Frame = 7 Then Fig.Frame = 0 If MilliSecs() > Fig.Timer1 + Fig.Speed Then If Fig.X >= Fig.PathX2-12 Then Fig.Direction = 0 End If If Fig.X <= Fig.PathX1+12 Then Fig.Direction = 1 End If If Fig.Direction = 1 Then Fig.X = Fig.X + 5 End If If Fig.Direction = 0 Then Fig.X = Fig.X - 5 End If Fig.Steps = Fig.Steps +1 Fig.Frame = Fig.Frame +1 If Fig.Frame = 4 Then Fig.Frame = 5 Fig.Timer1 = MilliSecs() End If Next End Function can someone tell me please whats wrong in the line For Fig:Anifig = EachIn AniFig thanks |
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In BlitzMax user-defined types don't have they're own hidden list to keep track of them, you have to make one yourself. So what you can do is somewhere near the top create a list to use to keep track of all your objects:Global anifig_list:TList = CreateList() Then, whenever you create a new AniFig, you just add it to the list: Local Fig:AniFig = New AniFig ListAddLast(anifig_list, Fig) To cycle through each AniFig you use EachIn on the list: For Local Fig:AniFig = EachIn anifig_list And there you go! Hope it helps! |
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thank you so much... now i got it ... well this one ... :-)) |
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can I suggest holding the list inside the type? And maybe moving the animate function inside it as well. You can then instantiate a AniFig type with Global fig1:AnimFig = AniFig.Create(350, 290, 50, Anim1, "Heidi", 100, 32, 400 ,32) And it will have all the default fields set for it. To animate: Anifig.Animate() And to loop through the type list (if you haven't spotted it in the animate function). For Local fig:Anifig = Eachin AniFig.list Note that the above code is untested, but the principle is there. |
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thank you, i was busy the last time. i will test it as soon as possible. i thought that blitz max would be es easy as blitz plus...but there is a long way for me to find out how i can use it :-)) |
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