I think I'm going mad! Please help [SOLVED]
BlitzMax Forums/Brucey's Modules/I think I'm going mad! Please help [SOLVED]
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G'day guys. I've spent 2 days straight going through the forums to get FreeImage to work and keep hitting one roadblock after another. Can I please get some guidance. I'm running Windows 8 x64. BlitzMax 1.50 MaxIDE CE 2.01 I've tried so many different versions of MinGW it's not funny! I'll go through step by step what I think I should do and please tell me why I can't get it to work. Step 1. Install tdm-gcc-4.5.2 Step 2. Add MinGW Environment with value c:\MinGW32 Step 3. Check the path was created which it is... C:\MinGW32\bin Step 4. Install BlitzMax 1.50 Step 5. Replace MaxIDE.exe with maxide.exe from CE Step 6. Copy the lib and bin folders from blitmax_tdm452.rar into the Blitzmax directory overwriting any existing files. Step 7. Run MaxIDE CE which creates the documentation. Quit. Step 8. Place the Freeimage mod to C:\BlitzMax\mod\bah.mod\freeimage.mod Step 9. Run MaxIDE CE again and select Build Modules... Step 10. Select All and Threaded options. It fails at... Tried it with Single Threaded and still the same error. MaxIDE opens up "cwchar" from the MinGW folder and highlights the following line which caused the error... (wcstold)(const wchar_t * restrict, wchar_t ** restrict) throw (); So then I open the original MaxIDE and try build modules and it too fails with... Sorry for the long errors, just trying to provide as much information as possible. Cheers. [EDIT] See step by step solution in my last post. [/EDIT] |
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you could try changing all uses of the word "restrict" in Conversion.cpp and Utilities.h and whatever else in FreeImage to _restrict as it seems to be a reserved word in mingw space |
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I'm using gcc version 4.7.1 (tdm-1) myself... FWIW: - You also should copy ar.exe and ld.exe from MinGW\bin into blitzmax\bin - note that there's two MinGW flavors: sjlj and dw2, I -think- you need the sljl version for things to compile properly. |
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@skidracer Thanks for the suggestion. There were no "restrict" words in Conversion.cpp, Conversion16_555.cpp or Utilities.h so no dice there. So here are my next steps going on xlsior's suggestions... 1. uninstall tdm MinGW 4.5.2 2. uninstall Blitzmax and delete any left over folders from the install directory. 3. install tdm-gcc-4.8.1-3 (The latest tdm version available) and during install under version select MinGW Stable 4.7.2-1 (Not the dw2 option) 4. Check Environment variable... path = C:\TDM-GCC-32\bin and MinGW = C:\TDM-GCC-32 5. Install BlitzMax 1.50 and replace maxide with CE version. (should I go back to 1.48 or older here?) 6. Put freeimage.mod in the bah.mod folder. 7. Copy ar.exe and ld.exe from MinGW\bin to Blitmax\bin replacing the Max versions. 8. Run MaxIDE CE... Docs get built 9. Build Modules with All and Multi-Threaded selected 10. OK. So far so good :) Load Freeimage test01.bmx... Building test_01 Compiling:test_01.bmx Compile Error: Can't find interface for module 'bah.freeimage' [C:/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/tests/test_01.bmx;13;1] Build Error: failed to compile C:/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/tests/test_01.bmx Process complete On the line... Local pix:TPixmap = LoadPixmap("logo.gif") Sigh... what have I missed? I'll keep at it and update any steps I make in case I get it to work. LOL. |
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This is with a Console and Non-Threaded build btw. |
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OK, so now I'll try Brucey's bmk.bmx v2.16 1. Loaded into MaxIDE CE 2. Select Threaded Build and Console 3. Build... All good. 4. Close MaxIDE 5. Backup original bmk.exe (rename to bmk.exe.bak) 6. Copy newly compiled bmk.exe to BlitzMax/bin 7. Run MaxIDE CE... Build Modules... All... Multi-Threaded 8. Finished in a flash with the following... Building Modules Archiving:blitz.debug.mt.win32.x86.a Archiving:freeimage.debug.mt.win32.x86.a Archiving:appstub.debug.mt.win32.x86.a Archiving:audio.debug.mt.win32.x86.a Archiving:audiosample.debug.mt.win32.x86.a Archiving:bank.debug.mt.win32.x86.a . . etc etc . Archiving:opengl.release.mt.win32.x86.a Archiving:stdc.release.mt.win32.x86.a Archiving:win32.release.mt.win32.x86.a Archiving:zlib.release.mt.win32.x86.a Process complete Obviously this is not good. But I'll still try Freeimage test01.bmx :) Building test_01 Unrecognized app source file extension:bmx Process complete |
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OK... 1. Copied the lib and bin folders from MinGW into the BlitzMax folder replacing any files. 2. Went back to original bmk.exe and built modules again. 3. Went to run Freeimage test01.bmx 4. Same error... Building test_01 Compiling:test_01.bmx Compile Error: Can't find interface for module 'bah.freeimage' [C:/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/tests/test_01.bmx;13;1] Build Error: failed to compile C:/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/tests/test_01.bmx Process complete |
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the 'can't find interface' means that it has no knowledge of that module. from the command line, navigate to your blitzmax\bin folder, and type: bmk makemods -a bah.freeimage bmk makemods -a -h bah.freeimage and the rebuild/reindex the blitzmax help and command sets, type: makedocs Alternatively, to rebuild ALL modules: bmk makemods -a bmk makemods -a -h (the -h does the threaded modules) |
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I feel like I'm getting close but still having so many errors... Here's where I'm closest. MinGW 4.5.2 with Brucey's replacement zip file. FreeImage tests work but as soon as I change the line... 'Framework BaH.FreeImage to Import BaH.FreeImage I get the following errors Multithreaded Build Building test_01 Compiling:test_01.bmx flat assembler version 1.69.14 (986915 kilobytes memory) 3 passes, 2988 bytes. Linking:test_01.mt.exe C:/BlitzMax/mod/pub.mod/oggvorbis.mod/oggvorbis.release.mt.win32.x86.a(vorbisfile.c.release.mt.win32.x86.o):vorbisfile.c:(.text+0x32a8): undefined reference to `__chkstk_ms' C:/BlitzMax/mod/pub.mod/oggvorbis.mod/oggvorbis.release.mt.win32.x86.a(vorbisfile.c.release.mt.win32.x86.o):vorbisfile.c:(.text+0x32d4): undefined reference to `__chkstk_ms' C:/BlitzMax/mod/pub.mod/oggvorbis.mod/oggvorbis.release.mt.win32.x86.a(vorbisfile.c.release.mt.win32.x86.o):vorbisfile.c:(.text+0x346c): undefined reference to `__chkstk_ms' C:/BlitzMax/mod/pub.mod/oggvorbis.mod/oggvorbis.release.mt.win32.x86.a(vorbisfile.c.release.mt.win32.x86.o):vorbisfile.c:(.text+0x34a3): undefined reference to `__chkstk_ms' C:/BlitzMax/mod/pub.mod/oggvorbis.mod/oggvorbis.release.mt.win32.x86.a(vorbisfile.c.release.mt.win32.x86.o):vorbisfile.c:(.text+0x3c9c): undefined reference to `__chkstk_ms' C:/BlitzMax/mod/pub.mod/oggvorbis.mod/oggvorbis.release.mt.win32.x86.a(vorbisfile.c.release.mt.win32.x86.o):vorbisfile.c:(.text+0x3d53): more undefined references to `__chkstk_ms' follow collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Build Error: Failed to link C:/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/tests/test_01.mt.exe Process complete and Not MultiThreaded Building test_01 Compiling:test_01.bmx flat assembler version 1.69.14 (955247 kilobytes memory) 3 passes, 2988 bytes. Linking:test_01.exe c:/mingw32/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.5.2/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find C:/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/freeimage.release.win32.x86.a collect2: ld returned 1 exit status Build Error: Failed to link C:/BlitzMax/mod/bah.mod/freeimage.mod/tests/test_01.exe Process complete So I open a console and run bmk makemods -a or bmk makemods -a -h and I get the following errors... I've tried different combinations of lib and bin files from the MinGW folder but still getting the same error. I'll keep battling :( |
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Hallo :o) Sorry you're having so many issues. The information in that post is somewhat out of date. I will be revising it shortly. In the meantime can you try the following : Download and install tdm-gcc-4.7.1-2.exe from here : http://sourceforge.net/projects/tdm-gcc/files/TDM-GCC%20Installer/Previous/1.1006.0/ Then create yourself this batch file : @echo off @set dirMinGW=c:\mingw @set minGWVersionString=4.7.1 @set dirBlitzmax=c:\coding\BlitzMax copy %dirMinGW%\bin\ar.exe %dirBlitzmax%\bin /Y copy %dirMinGW%\bin\ld.exe %dirBlitzmax%\bin /Y for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir %dirBlitzmax%\lib /b') do ( copy "%dirMinGW%\lib\%%i" "%dirBlitzmax%\lib\%%i" /z /y copy "%dirMinGW%\lib\gcc\mingw32\%minGWVersionString%\%%i" "%dirBlitzmax%\lib\%%i" /z /y ) You'll need to set the paths as you have them on your PC - i.e. the location of MinGW, and the location of your BlitzMax dir. Run the script to copy over all the files into your BlitzMax bin and lib folders. Then try a rebuild of the modules, and see how you get on with that. |
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Thanks Brucey :) Here goes... LOL. Downloaded and installed tdm 4.7.1-2 Set the environment variable and check the path... C:\MinGW32 and C:\MinGW32\bin Install Max 1.50 Run my "MinGW Fix.bat" file :) Go to bin dir bmk makemods -a and bmk makemods -a -h Both worked. This is with the default Max bmk.exe file, not your 2.16 version. Quick question, is the makemods meant to Archive some files? e.g. OK, so load my program first (without the freeimage import) to see if it works... all good Close MaxIDE and copy freeimage.mod over... bmk makemods -a bah and bmk makemods -a -h bah both work, again this is with the Max bmk.exe file. (Man your bmk is so fast in comparison with 8 cores!! ;P ) Run my program again without Import BaH.FreeImage... all good. Run my program again with Import BaH.FreeImage... crashes (Windows "...stopped working" error) on this line... tempImage = LoadImage(picFiles[imageIndex]) Check the FreeImage tests... Framework BaH.FreeImage = all good Import BaH.FreeImage causes test_01.exe has stopped working... crash test_01.debug.exe has stopped working... crash So I try my program with... Framework BaH.FreeImage Import maxgui.drivers Import brl.threads Import brl.eventqueue Import brl.glmax2d and it worked!! I'm not sure which built in mod is causing the crash when I Import Freeimage but this is working for my needs so far so I'm happy. :) Thankyou so much for your help guys. I can't believe it's working to be honest! It wasn't that hard in the end was it!?! LOL. I still don't know why it didn't work in the past because I followed these steps in various forms from all the suggestions in the forums. Maybe I was using the wrong MinGW or adding too many steps or copied too many files. Thanks again. :) Brucey, any idea why Import causes the crash whilst Framwork doesn't? |
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is the makemods meant to Archive some files? An archive (.a) is just a collection of object (.o) files that the linker will use to create your final executable. Each .bmx file that is Imported (or in a module) will be compiled into an object file. any idea why Import causes the crash whilst Framwork doesn't? If you don't have *any* Framework, and import FreeImage, there's a chance you will get function collisions with BlitzMax's built-in PNG and JPG libraries - likely to cause a crash. Without specifically using "Framework", all BRL and PUB modules are included in your final executable. Usually, you may not want all that extra stuff - and when you are using other modules which may have copies (but different versions) of the same libraries, you really don't want to mix them. When you use "Framework", it doesn't have to be FreeImage, just some module that stops BlitzMax loading all of them in. |