HOWTO: wxMouseEvent.Create(?)
BlitzMax Forums/Brucey's Modules/HOWTO: wxMouseEvent.Create(?)
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Import wx.wxMouseEvent ' I try to cheat without Create Local event:wxSplitterEvent = (wxSplitterEvent)(_event) MyMouseEvent:wxMouseEvent = New wxMouseEvent.Create(?) ' (wxEventPtr:Byte Ptr, EvtIntWrap:TEventHandler) I want to feel the Button's But I don't understand the consept of wxMouseEvent/wxEvent How can I Create a wxMouseEvent? |
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Import wx.wxMouseEvent ... Function OnPositionChanged(_event:wxEvent) Local mevent:wxMouseEvent = (wxMouseEvent)(_event) Print "---> " + mevent.Button(1) End FunctionAll things get: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION with mevent |
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EAV means that you access something "Null" I guess if you do a if not mevent then print "mevent is null" right before your print "--->" you will get a nice second message printed to stdout. bye Ron |
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Local event:wxSplitterEvent = wxSplitterEvent(_event)Type wxSplitterEvent Extends wxNotifyEvent Function Create:wxEvent(wxEventPtr:Byte Ptr, evt:TEventHandler)I don't see how it get catched: wxSplitterEvent(_event) wxSplitterEvent(_event) is Working! So I use that to try understand how it works! Local mevent:wxMouseEvent = ? Type wxMouseEvent Extends wxEvent Function _create:wxMouseEvent(wxEventPtr:Byte Ptr, userData:Object, parent:wxEvtHandler) |
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What does not work there? Function _create:wxMouseEvent(wxEventPtr:Byte Ptr, userData:Object, parent:wxEvtHandler) it expects a pointer of a wxEvent... so if you have eg. your "wxSplitterEvent", you could pass the pointer of that event: new wxMouseEvent._create(theOverWxEvent.wxEventPtr, myUserDataObject, theOverWxEvent.parent) the "parent" might be not available ... but I assume that something similar should work. All above under the assumption that you want to do the following: - there is something emitting an event (eg. wxSplitter) - in that case you want to create a mouseEvent (simulate eg. a mousemovement, or click) bye Ron |
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Sorry for being unclear again! I want to see the State of the Mouse! I don't see/understand how wxMouseEvent is working |
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a mouse event is created as soon as you click on a wxWidget or so ... so it cannot get used to receive a general "state" of the mouse. WHEN do you want to get the mouse state? During another event (eg a "paint event") ? Just state in some short phrases/headwords what you want to achieve in which situation. bye Ron |
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connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGED, OnPositionChanged) connect(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_SPLITTER_SASH_POS_CHANGING, OnPositionChanging) ... Function OnPositionChanged(_event:wxEvent) Local event:wxSplitterEvent = wxSplitterEvent(_event) ... ' Here I want to see If Left mouse is down: If Button(1) Then MFrame.CMDSplitter.SplitterPos = MFrame.CMDSplitter.GetSashPosition() End FunctionI have 2 SplitterWindows and I need something to separate them while sliding CMDSplitter |
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Whynot just check "MouseDown(1)" ? I mean - you could use the BlitzMax-Mousefunction then. Another thing: movement is only possible with the left mouse button ... so do you want to know if it is still down? If yes -- use MouseDown(1). bye Ron |
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Thanks It's working but I still like to know how to setup wxMouseEvent I found no example of this! |
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I think this is done in the depths of "c and h"-files. Each window has its own mousemanager which generates the events for the associated widgets. Dunno if it is exposed for us in BlitzMax (maybe like "bmx_wxmouseevent_buttondclick" in wxmouseevent.mod/common.bmx or glue.bmx bye Ron |
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hmmm ^^/ |