wxMax - Manipulating data during Events
BlitzMax Forums/Brucey's Modules/wxMax - Manipulating data during Events
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During the course of an event I'm trying to manipulate the data of the parent gadget, but it seems that I'm not able to read or write data from or to that very field. I used to basic_notebook.bmx sample to simple demonstrate what I want to do. I added clicked1 to MyFrame and try to manipulate it in function OnButton1. But the results are not what I would like to achieve. SuperStrict Framework wx.wxApp Import wx.wxPanel Import wx.wxFrame Import wx.wxButton Import wx.wxTextCtrl Import wx.wxListBox Import wx.wxNotebook Import brl.standardio Type MyApp Extends wxApp Field frame:MyFrame Method OnInit:Int() frame = MyFrame(New MyFrame.Create(Null, -1, "Basic Notebook App", 200, 200)) SetTopWindow(frame) frame.show() Return True End Method End Type Type MyFrame Extends wxFrame Field notebook:wxNotebook Field listbox:wxListBox Field textlog:wxTextCtrl Field clicked1:Int Const BOOKCTRL:Int = 100 Const BUTTON1:Int = 101 Const BUTTON2:Int = 102 Const LISTBOX1:Int = 103 Const TEXTBOX1:Int = 104 Const FILE_QUIT:Int = wxID_EXIT Const HELP_ABOUT:Int = wxID_ABOUT Method OnInit() clicked1 = 5 Local fileMenu:wxMenu = wxMenu.CreateMenu() Local helpMenu:wxMenu = wxMenu.CreateMenu() Local menuBar:wxMenuBar = wxMenuBar.CreateMenuBar() helpMenu.Append(HELP_ABOUT, "&About...~tF1", "Show about dialog") fileMenu.Append(FILE_QUIT, "E&xit~tAlt-X", "Quit this program") menuBar.Append(fileMenu, "&File") menuBar.Append(helpMenu, "&Help") SetMenuBar(menuBar) CreateStatusBar(2) SetStatusText("So far so good.", 0) SetStatusText("Welcome!", 1) ' the notebook notebook = wxNotebook.CreateNotebook(Self, BOOKCTRL) ' a panel Local panel:wxPanel = wxPanel.CreatePanel(notebook) ' the first page notebook.AddPage(panel, "Tab1", True) ' add buttons to the panel wxButton.CreateButton(panel, BUTTON1, "Button &1", 50, 30, 100, 30) wxButton.CreateButton(panel, BUTTON2, "Button &2", 50, 80, 100, 30) ' a new panel panel = wxPanel.CreatePanel(notebook) Local choices:String [] = [ "Washington", "Adams", "Jefferson", "Madison", .. "Lincoln", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four"] listbox = wxListBox.CreateListBox(panel, LISTBOX1, choices, 0, 0, 150, 90, wxLB_SORT | wxLB_EXTENDED) ' add the second page notebook.AddPage(panel, "Tab2", False) ' another new panel panel = wxPanel.CreatePanel(notebook) Local mysizer:wxBoxSizer = wxBoxSizer.CreateBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL) panel.SetSizer(mysizer) textlog = wxTextCtrl.CreateTextCtrl(panel, TEXTBOX1, "Log~n", 0, 250, 100, 50, wxTE_MULTILINE) mysizer.Add(textlog, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5) notebook.AddPage(panel, "Tab3", False) Connect(FILE_QUIT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, OnQuit) Connect(HELP_ABOUT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, OnAbout) Connect(BUTTON1, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, OnButton1) Connect(BUTTON2, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, OnButton2) Connect(LISTBOX1, wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED, OnListBoxDoubleClick) End Method Function OnQuit(event:wxEvent) ' true is to force the frame to close wxWindow(event.parent).Close(True) End Function Function OnAbout(event:wxEvent) End Function Function OnButton1(event:wxEvent) Local xx:Int xx = MyFrame(event.parent).clicked1 If wxMessageBox("Click1", "Click", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, wxWindow(event.parent)) Then xx =+ 1 EndIf MyFrame(event.parent).clicked1 = xx Print xx + ", " + MyFrame(event.parent).clicked1 End Function Function OnButton2(event:wxEvent) wxMessageBox("Click2 !!", "Click", wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION, wxWindow(event.parent)) End Function Function OnListBoxDoubleClick(event:wxEvent) MyFrame(event.parent).textlog.AppendText("ListBox Double click String is: ~n" + .. wxCommandEvent(event).GetString() + "~n") End Function End Type New MyApp.run() Could someone please point me to the correct solution of this problem? Peter |
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You have a typo here :xx =+ 1 In BlitzMax, you want to use :+ instead :-) |
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Damn! If I only wouldn't be to lazy to write: xx = xx + 1 This stuff was bugging me for hours yesterday. I wonder why the compiler accepts "=+" . Peter |
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xx = +1 is valid... since it is the same as saying xx = 1 Of course, in Java, C++ etc, it means something else entirely. Is it working okay now? |
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Sorry, I forget to mention. It's working now. Peter |