Postgresql, what am i doing wrong?
BlitzMax Forums/Brucey's Modules/Postgresql, what am i doing wrong?
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Im gettings some time again to work convert my projekt to postgre and atleast I can create posts and tables without problems. BUt i cant seem to make a prepared update to change values of already created posts. I looked through all the examples and i couldnt find anythign on this and not much on google either. Its probbably simple but im pulling my hair here. So how does one set values in a prepared statement? Thanks if anyone can help out with a small example. |
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test_03.bmx and test_04.bmx show how to use prepared statements. Parameters should be defined as $n, where 'n' is a number starting with 1, then 2, etc. The bindValue() method is zero based, and accepts a TDBType object for its second parameter, like so : query.bindValue(0, TDBString.Set("Fish")) To do an update you might do something like this: Local query:TDatabaseQuery = TDatabaseQuery.Create(db) query.prepare("UPDATE mytable SET name = $1 WHERE id = $2") query.bindValue(0, TDBString.Set("Fred")) query.bindValue(1, TDBInt.Set(25)) query.execute() Binds and executes can be called multiple times against a single prepare. |
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Well. it doesnt look all that different than i did. but i will look at it today with fresh eyes. Thanks alot! |
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Thanks. It turned out it was my sql statement that was wrong. silly me. Anyway thanks alot for the support! |
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Glad you got it sorted out :-) |