I have been trying to get the mysql mod working - on different platforms I have different results. The query.prepare and query.execute mothods work fine on linux but not on vista or win 7. The executeQuery does not work on Linux but does work on Vista and to some degree on win 7. Of Bruceys test files 1 and 5 work on vista and win 7 and 4 and 5 work on linux. Initialy I managed to get some functions workin on the win 7 platform but when I included the code in my target application the application came up with crashes in the wierdest of places. So I tried the same app on vista and I had no problems. Both were using xampp. My target platform is Linux so I then tried the app on the linux box but discovered that it just wont work. I discovered that I cant get the test4.bmx sample to run so I changed the code to use the query.prepre and execute methods they seem to work fine. I am however worried that I may find further problems down the road. Has anyone experienced anything like this or have any idea what might be happening.