
BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/treeviewnode

ckob(Posted 2006) [#1]
I have a list of names in a treeview and each name is saved to a text file. I want to remove a name from the treeview (name is a node) and remove it from the file. I can remove it from the file but when I delete the name from the treeview im using.

FreeTreeViewNode SelectedTreeViewNode(trvTreeView2)

The weird thing is SelectedTreeViewNode doesnt give me a number that makes since, it starts at 16 and counts up as I delete. How can I get it to start from 0 or 1?

jsp(Posted 2006) [#2]
SelectedTreeViewNode returns a node (TGadget) not an index, if you were searching for that.

The FreeTreeViewNode then knows how to find the correct entry.
Not sure, what you want to do, have a link to your name in the file? And both are in the same order? If yes may use Node.Context="YourNameInFile" or the index you need or any other Object you may need here as link.

ckob(Posted 2006) [#3]
hmm I could use node.Context and search the file for the name. I wish there was better documentation.

Jake L.(Posted 2006) [#4]
I don't understand your problem in full, but maybe this can help you...

ckob(Posted 2006) [#5]
oh thats exactly it :) Thanks