Panel Hiding

BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/Panel Hiding

Thareh(Posted 2007) [#1]
I want to create a ProgBar that's clickable.
And by clickable I mean that you can click anywhere on the
ProgBar and you'll get the Mouse X and Y coordinates.

I'm going to use it as a Slider, because the slider is so damn ugly.

This is the code I've come up with, as long as I don't hide the panel it works, but then I can't see the Progbar :P
And if I draw the Panel under the Progbar, the mouseevents won't show up.

Any solutions to this?

Thanks :)

Thareh(Posted 2007) [#2]
I created a small example on how I want it to work, but with 2 Panels instead of 1 Panel and 1 ProgBar.

Just for easier understanding ;)

Thanks :)