vertical blank & flip(1) within window...

BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/vertical blank & flip(1) within window...

Taron(Posted 2008) [#1]
Is there some slim chance that Mgui is creating a window that can't get vertical blank triggers from certain gfx boards like the Intel Mobile - Extreme Chipset, often found in Laptops!?

Might be related to custom hooks in a construction like:

pseudo code:
function myhook ~ endfunction
AddHook EmitEventHook , MyHook
repeat ~ pollevent(); flip(1) ~ forever

Thanks in advance for a reply.

Taron(Posted 2008) [#2]
YESSSSSSS, I found the's not really MY problem, but something you should definitely figure out!


Using the glmax2d drivers makes some machines (laptops with Mobile Intel - Extreme Chipsets for example- immune to a vertical blank request...

Here's the proof:

MGE(Posted 2008) [#3]
And without MaxGUI usage, OpenGL/Vsync works fine then? I don't have maxgui, but I do test often in OGL mode on a Intel Mobile Extreme GPU, no problems.

Taron(Posted 2008) [#4]
I think it was ok, just didn't go through another test round, because I couldn't remember any troubles there... kind of a good indication! ;)

I'll check later...gotta run!