Setgadgettext(Label,Text, Flag)?
BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/Setgadgettext(Label,Text, Flag)?
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Hi! Is is possible to change the "flag" of an existing text label "on the fly"? Flag means: LABEL_CENTER | LABEL_LEFT | LABEL_RIGHT. Grisu |
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You mean something like a SetGadgetStyle(gadget:TGadget,style:Int) function? We don't have one, but it would be useful. |
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May create two versions of your label at the same position and hide and show the one you need. |
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This is my ugliest workaround for this year. It works, though I would have prefered a more elegant solution. *calls the MaxGUIEX support hotline...* |Edit| On second thought: I trashed the code and found an easier workaround. I filled the headers with characters and aligned them all right. [Edit| Could someone remind me that I need a cross-platform solution. Which the last one is not... :( |