BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/EVENT_WINDOWACCEPT x/y?
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Would it be possible to get EVENT_WINDOWACCEPT events to generate an EventX() and EventY() result? With that it would be possible to figure out where the user dropped the item (over say a specific gadget) and then be able to handle it more specifically... optimally it would be great the the event could be enabled for specific gadgets (SetGadgetSensitivity() flag?) as well so you could just get EVENT_GADGETACCEPT and check the EventSource() to know where it was (with eventx() and y being localized to the gadget for extra control on say a canvas...) but I'm sure that opens all kinds of crazy problems especially cross platform... the window relative X/Y would be enough to build out the rest if it was really needed... Also a special mouse move event or flag etc indicating a file was being moved around... just thinking out loud. Would just be nice to easily be able to do more advanced things with drag/drop from os->app or even within an app between gadgets... |