Cross-platform get gadget at position

BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/Cross-platform get gadget at position

JoshK(Posted 2010) [#1]
I need a way to retrieve the hwnd/whatever at a position on the screen, in order to implement some drag and drop functionality. In Windows I can use WindowFromPoint(). Is there an equivalent command on MacOS and Linux?

Here's my code for Windows. This works, although it does not tell you which item in a treeview is picked. The coordinates have to be in screen coordinates:

Import maxgui.drivers

Import pub.win32

Extern "win32"
	Function WindowFromPoint:Int(x:Int,y:Int)

Function GetGadgetFromHwnd:TGadget(hwnd:Int)
	Return TGadget(TWindowsGUIDriver.GadgetMap.valueforkey(TIntWrapper.Create(hwnd)))

Function GetGadgetAtPosition:TGadget(x:Int,y:Int)
	Return GetGadgetFromHwnd(WindowFromPoint(x,y))

Last edited 2010

Last edited 2010