Mouse positioning a canvas in real-time?
BlitzMax Forums/MaxGUI Module/Mouse positioning a canvas in real-time?
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I am trying to position a canvas using EventX (mouse) in real-time with no luck. If I have to use a 'hook' I could use some help on how to do this. Here is my code example:Import maxgui.Drivers Global win:Tgadget=CreateWindow("test",100,100,400,400,Null,WINDOW_TITLEBAR|WINDOW_TOOL) Global canv:Tgadget=CreateCanvas(190,0,20,200,win) Global label:tgadget=CreateLabel("",20,222,40,200,win) Global mdown Global winx=190 CreateTimer(60) While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) WaitEvent() Select EventSource() Case canv SetGraphics (CanvasGraphics(canv)) Cls Flip End Select Select EventID() Case EVENT_MOUSEENTER SetPointer( POINTER_SIZEWE ) Case EVENT_MOUSELEAVE SetPointer( POINTER_DEFAULT ) Case EVENT_MOUSEDOWN mdown=True Case EVENT_MOUSEUP mdown=False 'winx=winx+x 'SetGadgetShape(canv,winx,0,20,200) Case EVENT_TIMERTICK x=EventX() If mdown=True If x<0 Or x>0 Then winx=winx+x SetGadgetText(label,winx) SetGadgetShape(canv,winx,0,20,200) RedrawGadget(canv) RedrawGadget(label) EndIf Case EVENT_GADGETPAINT Case EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE End End Select Wend Basically what I am trying to do here is click on the canvas and drag it left or right. Ideas? Thanks Last edited 2010 |
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Import maxgui.Drivers Global win:Tgadget=CreateWindow("test",100,100,400,400,Null,WINDOW_TITLEBAR|WINDOW_TOOL) Global canv:Tgadget=CreateCanvas(190,0,20,200,win) Global label:tgadget=CreateLabel("",20,222,40,200,win) Global mdown Global winx=190,x CreateTimer(60) While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) WaitEvent() Select EventID() Case EVENT_MOUSEENTER SetPointer( POINTER_SIZEWE ) Case EVENT_MOUSELEAVE SetPointer( POINTER_DEFAULT ) Case EVENT_MOUSEDOWN mdown=True Case EVENT_MOUSEUP mdown=False 'winx=winx+x 'SetGadgetShape(canv,winx,0,20,200) Case event_MOUSEMOVE x = EventX() Case EVENT_TIMERTICK 'x=EventX() If mdown=True If x < 0 Or x > 0 Then winx = winx + x SetGadgetText(label,winx) SetGadgetShape(canv,winx,0,20,200) RedrawGadget(canv) RedrawGadget(label) EndIf Case EVENT_GADGETPAINT Select EventSource() Case canv SetGraphics (CanvasGraphics(canv)) Cls Flip End Select Case EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE End End Select Wend |
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Very cool Zeke. Thanks, but. . . @Everyone The reason I asked about this is I have setup my own splitter. Maxgui does not support horizontal splitters (as far as I know) so I wrote my own. I am having a very weird problem when splitting two tabbers. They will move wildly left and right and I thought I had coded it wrong so I posted the above trying to figure out what was wrong. This code example shows this wild behavior. I can not figure out why this does this. This code should work fine. It did at one time in MaxGUI. Try this out and see what happens. Just click on the black canvas (the splitter) and move it left and right. As you do it will start wildly moving left and right. The more you do it the wilder it gets. Import maxgui.Drivers Global win:Tgadget=CreateWindow("test",0,0,DesktopWidth(),DesktopHeight(),Null,WINDOW_TITLEBAR|WINDOW_RESIZABLE|WINDOW_STATUS) Global canv:Tgadget=CreateCanvas(190,0,20,ClientHeight(win),win) 'Global label:tgadget=CreateLabel("",20,222,40,200,win) Global tabber:Tgadget=CreateTabber(0,0,189,ClientHeight(win),win) Global tabber_2:Tgadget=CreateTabber(210,0,ClientWidth(win)-189,ClientHeight(win),win) Global texta:Tgadget=CreateTextArea(0,0,ClientWidth(tabber),ClientHeight(tabber),tabber) Global texta_2:Tgadget=CreateTextArea(0,0,ClientWidth(tabber_2),ClientHeight(tabber_2),tabber_2) SetGadgetLayout tabber,1,1,1,1 SetGadgetLayout tabber_2,0,1,1,1 SetGadgetLayout texta,1,1,1,1 SetGadgetLayout texta_2,1,1,1,0 Global mdown Global winx=190,x CreateTimer(60) For i=0 To 10000 i2=i2+1 If i2=64 a$=a$+Chr(13) a$=a$+i i2=0 Else a$=a$+i EndIf Next SetGadgetText(texta,a) SetGadgetText(texta_2,a) While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) WaitEvent() Select EventID() Case EVENT_MOUSEENTER SetPointer( POINTER_SIZEWE ) Case EVENT_MOUSELEAVE SetPointer( POINTER_DEFAULT ) Case EVENT_MOUSEDOWN mdown=True Case EVENT_MOUSEUP mdown=False 'winx=winx+x 'SetGadgetShape(canv,winx,0,20,200) Case event_MOUSEMOVE x = EventX() Case EVENT_TIMERTICK If mdown=True If x < 0 Or x > 0 Then winx = GadgetWidth(tabber) + x SetGadgetShape(tabber,0,0,winx,ClientHeight(win)) SetGadgetShape(tabber_2,winx,0,ClientWidth(win)-winx,ClientHeight(win)) SetGadgetShape(canv,winx,0,20,ClientHeight(win)) RedrawGadget(canv) EndIf Case EVENT_GADGETPAINT Select EventSource() Case canv SetGraphics (CanvasGraphics(canv)) Cls Flip End Select Case EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE End End Select Wend I have tried most everything I can think of. Help. :) Thanks! Last edited 2010 |
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double post..bla:/ Last edited 2010 |
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you can use horizontal splitters. CreateSplitter(x,y,w,h,parent,SPLIT_HORIZONTAL,handle_size) also you can change splitter from vertical to horizontal using SetSplitterOrientation() function. |
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Ok cool but I would still like to figure out above I have other uses for it.:) Looks to me like a bug. But not sure. Last edited 2010 |
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Here you go. I have edit your code and put comments where I changed it. In general I don't like that design (sorry:). I would recommend to use panels wherever possible, only when you need to draw something a canvas is needed. |
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@jsp Thank you very much. I really appreciated the comments within the code, most excellent. Yes I should have used panels. Thanks to you and Zeke. I'll email you and Zeke that case of beer;) |