Noob invasion

BlitzMax Forums/MiniB3D Module/Noob invasion

Jason W.(Posted 2006) [#1]
Hi guys!!

Sorry for hijacking this forum, but can someone answer a few questions for me:

How would a noob like me (never used Blitz3d) use this module?

Could I use the Blitz3d manual supplied on the site?

A blitz3d book?

Would b3d tutorials work?



ps - Excellent work to everyone working on this.

TomToad(Posted 2006) [#2]
I'm not sure if it's available to non-Blitz3D registered users, but I can get the manual online by clicking the Manuals tab at the top of the browser page.

Picklesworth(Posted 2006) [#3]
No, you do not need Blitz3D to use this module.

It's easy to use, and a lot of documentation for Blitz3D's commands is available in the Manuals section. Just play around with it and it shall hopefully do what you want!

Jason W.(Posted 2006) [#4]

Thanks TomToad and Mr.Picklesworth.


H&K(Posted 2006) [#5]
It depends how comfident ypu are with Bmax already. If you are then you can download the mod and just look see what is happening. If you are not, then look at the tutorial section for B3d and see them.

I agree with you that MiniB3D is a good thing that doesnt need any documentation is you have spent three years using B3d, but for people like your self it will seem very arbitary some of the desicions made in its prodution.

My advice would be to look at the mod, as you can see there are several types, whos names are quite descriptive. First you need to look at is TGlabal, this has the most important command in it, that is Graphics3d, make sure you call this by either TGlobal.Graphics3D, or by its access function Graphics3D, this basicaly means that the "Engine" is ready.

The if you look you have a Type "TCamera", so... you need to create one of them... I do realise that you are going to have an uphill struggle without experiance. But you can download the B3d manual if you are a Bmax user. And post questions here, and we will be glad to help