pickentity and find type

BlitzMax Forums/MiniB3D Module/pickentity and find type

ksalomao(Posted 2007) [#1]
Hi, I am trying to convert an blitz3d code to minib3d. I am familiar with b3d for some time, but I just bought bmax, and I have one problem: I want to do a camerapick with the mouse to select an entity. My problem is to find the corresponding entity's type.
In b3d I used object/handle to retun my type:

ent.scenery=pickobject()   ;ponter to type

Function pickobject.scenery()
      local temp	
      If temp<>0
           If pick <> Null 		
                   Return pick
           End If
      End If 
End Function 

But I am clueless about how to do the same in minib3d. I am not sure how to use HandleToObject and HandlefromObject, should I use them?
The pickentity function returns a Tentity, but how do I find my respective type? Right now I am using a For...EachIn loop, but just because I couldn't do otherwise.
I would appreciate any help.

ksalomao(Posted 2007) [#2]
Well, as I couldn't find a better way. I did the following:
Global objectlist:TList = New TList
type Tscenery
      field obj:Tentity
      field name:string
end type

If MouseHit(1)
	Local pick:Tentity= CameraPick(cam , MouseX() , MouseY() )
	Local temp:Tentity =PickedEntity()

	If temp:Tentity<>Null
		Local temp2:Tscenery
                For temp2:Tscenery=EachIn objectlist:TList
		If  temp2.obj=temp:TEntity
			'found it!
		End If
        end if
end if

print temp2.name