opengl logger / debugger
BlitzMax Forums/OpenGL Module/opengl logger / debugger
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I'm looking for people to help me develop my opengl logger into a debugger. ie warn of incorrect gl commands in beween glbegin and glend etc. very early yet lots to be done! pointers are just expressed as ints and gl enums are also ints instead of say "GL_MODELMATRIX" contact me directly via my profile email if you are interested in helping (just a thought from the info I'm getting you could store an opengl display list and see what tri's are being rendered from any point of view...) just put this at the top of your code Import "../gllogger/opengllogger.bmx" heres some sample output glClearColor red_=0.000000000 green_=0.000000000 blue_=1.00000000 alpha_=0.000000000 glClearDepth depth_=1.0000000000000000 glDepthFunc func_=515 glEnable cap_=2929 glShadeModel mode_=7425 glColor3f red_=1.00000000 green_=1.00000000 blue_=1.00000000 glClear mask_=16640 glMatrixMode mode_=5889 glLoadIdentity glViewport x_=0 y_=0 width_=800 height_=300 glMatrixMode mode_=5888 glLoadIdentity glRotatef angle_=0.000000000 x_=0.000000000 y_=0.000000000 z_=1.00000000 glRotatef angle_=0.000000000 x_=0.000000000 y_=1.00000000 z_=0.000000000 glRotatef angle_=0.000000000 x_=1.00000000 y_=0.000000000 z_=0.000000000 glTranslatef x_=0.000000000 y_=-8.00000000 z_=0.000000000 glPushMatrix glBindTexture target_=3553 texture_=1 glTranslatef x_=0.000000000 y_=0.000000000 z_=0.000000000 glRotatef angle_=0.000000000 x_=0.000000000 y_=0.000000000 z_=1.00000000 glRotatef angle_=0.000000000 x_=0.000000000 y_=1.00000000 z_=0.000000000 glRotatef angle_=0.000000000 x_=1.00000000 y_=0.000000000 z_=0.000000000 glMatrixMode mode_=5890 glPushMatrix glScalef x_=1000.00000 y_=1000.00000 z_=0.000000000 glMatrixMode mode_=5888 glBegin mode_=7 glNormal3f nx_=0.000000000 ny_=0.000000000 nz_=-1.00000000 glTexCoord2f s_=1.00000000 t_=0.000000000 glVertex3f x_=-5000.00000 y_=0.000000000 z_=-5000.00000 glTexCoord2f s_=1.00000000 t_=1.00000000 glVertex3f x_=-5000.00000 y_=0.000000000 z_=-5000.00000 glTexCoord2f s_=0.000000000 t_=1.00000000 ...... |
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glGetString GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_fragment_program .....(cut for readablity!) starting to make some function human readable |
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This is helpful in most cases:Local err:Int = glGetError() If (err <> 0) Then Select err Case GL_INVALID_ENUM If Not Proceed ("OpenGL Error: GLenum argument out of range. Proceed?",1) Then End Case GL_INVALID_ENUM If Not Proceed ("OpenGL Error: GLenum argument out of range. Proceed?",1) Then End Case GL_INVALID_VALUE If Not Proceed ("OpenGL Error: Numeric argument out of range. Proceed?",1) Then End Case GL_INVALID_OPERATION If Not Proceed ("OpenGL Error: Operation illegal in current state. Proceed?",1) Then End Case GL_STACK_OVERFLOW If Not Proceed ("OpenGL Error: Function would cause a stack overflow. Proceed?",1) Then End Case GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW If Not Proceed ("OpenGL Error: Function would cause a stack underflow. Proceed?",1) Then End Case GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY If Not Proceed ("OpenGL Error: Not enough memory left to execute function. Proceed?",1) Then End Default If Not Proceed ("Unknown OpenGL Error. Proceed?",1) Then End End Select EndIf If it is not already part of your module. |
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neat! I'd have got round to it, but it doesnt look like anyones interested, the main thing is that it does rather demonstrate the power of max that you can do these sorts of things |