Drawing quads on a render target

BlitzMax Forums/OpenGL Module/Drawing quads on a render target

DavidDC(Posted 2008) [#1]
Hi - I'm a complete beginner with OpenGL playing around with the render to texture code as posted here:


What I'm trying to do is draw some (a lot really) quads on the texture, within the texture render component of the main loop, i.e.


' render a bunch of quads	
' pseudocode: for each quad:

' set colour
glColor3f(f_r1, f_g1, f_b1)  
glColor3f(f_r2, f_g2, f_b2) 
glColor3f(f_r3, f_g3, f_b3) 
glColor3f(f_r4, f_g4, f_b4) 


Or there-abouts, assuming all the variables x1,y1 etc are setup and valid.

IB was previously created with
Global Img:TImage = CreateImage(512, 512)
MidHandleImage Img
Global IB:TImageBuffer = TImageBuffer.SetBuffer(Img) 

in a direct copy from the sample.

When run, the rendered texture - rendered using DrawImageRect (as in the linked example) is blank.

If I substitute plain DrawRects() in the texture render section I can see output where it should be - so drawing is occurring, it's just not showing in the glVertex2f version.

Am I attempting the impossible? When you're clueless it's hard to know what to search for - so please excuse what is most likely a very basic question.

Thanks very much for any help!

JoshK(Posted 2008) [#2]
You aren't setting up the projection matrix correctly. glDrawRect temporarily sets the projection matrix.

DavidDC(Posted 2008) [#3]
Hey thanks for the reply! I realised in retrospect it wasn't a well presented question. At least this gives me a clue as to where to start looking.