Apply a fragment shader on a bmax image

BlitzMax Forums/OpenGL Module/Apply a fragment shader on a bmax image

beanage(Posted 2009) [#1]
Hey there,

propably a very newb and simple question; is it impossible/ possible/ easy to apply a OGL fragment program on a BlitzMax Image?
Actually it should be possible, but at the very moment i got absolutely no idea where the hell in bmax source i gotta seek access to the ogl context of the bmax image... maybe a little example would be great!

Thanx for fast answers,


nawi(Posted 2009) [#2]
Something I found, cannot currently try this though:
Local myimage:TImage = CreateImage(128,128)
Local ifr:TImageFrame = myimage.Frame(0)
Local TGL:TGLImageFrame = TGLImageFrame(ifr)
Local texture:Int =

Some bmx code..

Type TGLImageFrame Extends TImageFrame

	Field u0#,v0#,u1#,v1#

	Field name,seq


	Method Draw( x0#,y0#,x1#,y1#,tx#,ty# )

		Assert seq=GraphicsSeq Else "Image does not exist"

		EnableTex name

		glBegin GL_QUADS

		glTexCoord2f u0,v0

		glVertex2f x0*ix+y0*iy+tx,x0*jx+y0*jy+ty

		glTexCoord2f u1,v0

		glVertex2f x1*ix+y0*iy+tx,x1*jx+y0*jy+ty

		glTexCoord2f u1,v1

		glVertex2f x1*ix+y1*iy+tx,x1*jx+y1*jy+ty

		glTexCoord2f u0,v1

		glVertex2f x0*ix+y1*iy+tx,x0*jx+y1*jy+ty


	End Method
End Type

beanage(Posted 2009) [#3]
aaah nice.. so in fact this means, the TImage OGL context handler gets stored at the field?
.. ah found it at .glmax2d^^ ..
OMG this is INDEED interesting, need some coffee :)

what means the "seq" field? found some lines on error checking "assert seq=GraphicsSeq ..." but .. (GraphicsSeq?, again such a ridiculous global :| )

but hell yeah ACTUALLY my QUESTION IS more then answered, thank you again (your ngl engine still does great services :)!



nawi(Posted 2009) [#4]
Glad to be of help.