Super Neko World
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Super Neko World
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@Sonic Seeing as your last thread about your game has been deleted and as I have a couple bugs I need to talk to you about, can you please email me? Thanks |
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Yeah I wondered what happened to this game. I liked it. Where is it now? |
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The thread was deleted due to the amount of swearing and hostility. |
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Wow didn't even know the thread was deleted. The game's been shelved because I really need a graphics artist to give it the polish I can't get on my own. Also I was still having issues with my frame-skipping code. It worked nicely for faster than 60Hz, but was jerky for less. My real career's taken a front seat for the last few months, although I may be dabbling in programming again soon. I'm just not totally sure I want to spend too much time on something unprofitable right now. I am still considering making a major project, as I still have the passion for games, and always will. If I do, it will have to be something that I both believe in and think will sell. I also have to find an artist who fits my stlye and isn't too expensive! |
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Would you care to share the source with us if you're abandoning the project? |
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Not really because it's really useless to anyone but me, not being commented! Also there's still a chance it might get finished at some later stage. |
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Is there any chance that I could have a copy of your map editor? Thanks |
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As for the editor, it's hardwired into the game to an extent... I have thought about expanding it into a decent standalone app for another project I've been toying with. I've been developing a GUI also which I'd like to integrate. Will keep you posted! |
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Ah man I really hope you can finish it as I thought it had a lot of potential. |
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I second what Grey said. I thought it had a lot of potential, and the graphics where nice and clean. I think it would do very well if promoted right. You should definitely find time to finish it. |
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Thanks guys, I have to admit I was a bit disheartened when Dr. Derek Doctors (aka Arsecast's Graham Goring) said the graphics were insipid haha! Also when I send three builds of it to Derek Yu at TIG Source who normally laps up these kind of things and got not even a reply. Graham said he'd preview it on Arsecast, but that seems to have died out now and he's posting occasionally for TIG Source - but still no mention. These guy's opinions on indie games I tend to respect, so I would have like the boost of being mentioned by them. Anyway that was only a small part of the reason I stopped... If I were to finish it, I would need a graphic artist, as it would take too long for me to generate all the content alone. |
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hmm, I would take what those guys say with a pinch of sale. They get off on "negative" journalism because it's easy to make people laugh. For example, Graham slated my Oz game yet it's made tens of thousands of dollars and made thousands of sale, and my other match-3s that he found on my site have also done pretty well, plus they got me my current lucrative BFG contract. These people don't buy games, they just slate them - the general public (casual gamers) buy the games. |
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@Sonic: your homepage doesn't work ! On Top of your page there's this text: {\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf102 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh9000\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 \ \ \ \ \ \pard\tx565\tx1133\tx1700\tx2266\tx2833\tx3401\tx3967\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6235\tx6802\ql\qnatural \cf0 \ \ and on the bottom: \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\ql\qnatural \cf0 \ \ \ \ \ \ } You seem to make great games - so please fix it. |
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Sonic, if you are interested in getting a new artist then I may be your man. I thought the game had potential too, maybe with a slightly different look it would catch a few more eyes... Send me an email and we can talk :) Jason. |
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I recomend QuickSilva. Hey if you did the art with vector programs it would really fit! |
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Grey, we really must do a platformer you know. I`m itching to do one as I know you are ;) Sonic, sorry if you have emailed me I am having a few problems getting them at the moment. I will get back to you ASAP. In the meantime what sort of resolution are we talking about? I can`t quite remember the look of your demo, could you post a screenshot? If I remember correctly the graphics were done in flash or am I thinking of a different game? Jason. |
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I know I know, I REALLY want to but I must finish my current game and get paid as my coffers are very low. Then if they offer me another I may be able to do a platformer alongside it in the evenings "for fun". I've also gotta re-release Holiday Bonus this year + Mac version. |
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Wow didn't even know the thread was deleted. The game's been shelved because I really need a graphics artist to give it the polish I can't get on my own. You're nuts, the game looked fantastic. Thanks guys, I have to admit I was a bit disheartened when Dr. Derek Doctors (aka Arsecast's Graham Goring) said the graphics were insipid haha! So what? Graham's even more nuts than you if he believes that. Please don't drop this project. SpaceAce |
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agreed. |