drawpoly and mix-in openGL problems
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/drawpoly and mix-in openGL problems
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[Edit - the same problem occurs without the openGL, simply using setOrigin - I have created a new topic to discuss it rather than this one, since it isn't possible to edit post title, and I think people will be scared off by the mix-OpenGL one, and I need some help on this :p) I have some code which lets me move and rotate the view around, it's included at the end of this post. The trouble is, when I use drawpoly with it, polys with points far outside the view have their shape changed when drawn - at least one offscreen point seems to get moved, changing the shape of the poly. Any idea how I can get around this, or fix it? Here's the openGL I'm using to transform the view: Excerpt I expect is the relevant part: glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() gluOrtho2D(LeftEdge, rightEdge, bottomEdge, TopEdge) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() glTranslateF(xpos,ypos,0) glrotateF(Rotation, 0, 0, 1) glTranslateF(-xpos,-ypos,0) And for the curious full view orientation code: 'View Orientations SetGraphicsDriver(GLMax2DDriver()) 'make sure we are in openGL as these only work for OGL Type ViewOrientation Global initialized Global current:viewOrientation Field selfInitialized Field leftEdge# Field rightEdge# Field bottomEdge# Field topEdge# Field XPos#, YPos#, Zoom#=1, Rotation#=0 Field vpSavedX#, vpSavedY# Global realwidth# Global realheight# Global vpX, vpY Global currentWidth# Global currentHeight# Global naturalZoom# Function init() If realwidth <> GraphicsWidth() Or realheight <> GraphicsHeight() Or (initialized = False And GraphicsHeight() <> 0) Then initialized = True naturalZoom = GraphicsHeight() / 768.0 realwidth = GraphicsWidth() realheight = GraphicsHeight() currentWidth = realWidth currentHeight = realHeight End If End Function Function clear:viewOrientation() nv:viewOrientation = New vieworientation nv.apply() Return nv End Function Method New() init() selfInit() End Method Method selfInit() If selfInitialized = True Or GraphicsHeight() = 0 Then Return selfInitialized = True leftEdge = 0 rightEdge = GraphicsWidth() topedge = 0 bottomEdge = GraphicsHeight() XPos = GraphicsWidth()/2 YPos = GraphicsHeight()/2 End Method Method move(x#, y#, rot#=0) setXYZoomRot(XPos + x, Ypos + y, Zoom, Rotation + rot) End Method Method setXY(x#, y#) setX(x); setY(y) End Method Method setXYZoomRot(x#, y#, Z#, R#) setX(x); setY(y) setZoom(Z); SetRotation(R) End Method Method setXYH(x#, y#, h#) setZoom(realheight / h) setxy(x + (rightEdge-leftEdge)*.5, y + (bottomEdge-topedge)*.5) End Method Method setX(x#) XPos = x calculate() End Method Method setY(y#) YPos = y calculate() End Method Method setZoom(Z#) Zoom = Z calculate() End Method Method SetRotation(rot#) Rotataion = rot calculate() End Method Method Apply() selfInit() init() calculate() glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() gluOrtho2D(LeftEdge, rightEdge, bottomEdge, TopEdge) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() glTranslateF(xpos,ypos,0) glrotateF(Rotation, 0, 0, 1) glTranslateF(-xpos,-ypos,0) current = Self End Method Method calculate() selfInit() realZoom# = Zoom vpSavedX = vpX vpSavedY = vpY If realZoom = 0 Then Zoom = .00001 LeftEdge = xpos - ((currentWidth / Zoom) / 2) rightEdge = xpos + ((currentWidth / Zoom) / 2) topEdge = ypos - ((currentHeight / Zoom) / 2) bottomEdge = ypos + ((currentHeight / Zoom) / 2) End Method Method screenSpaceToWorldSpace(wx# Var, wy# Var) wx:-vpSavedX wy:-vpSavedY wx:/zoom wy:/zoom wx:+leftEdge wy:+topEdge End Method Method worldSpaceToScreenSpace(wx# Var, wy# Var) wx:-leftEdge wy:-topedge wx:*zoom wy:*zoom wx:+vpSavedX wy:+vpSavedY End Method Method onScreen(wx#, wy#, radius#) wx:-leftEdge wy:-topedge wx:*zoom wy:*zoom radius:*zoom If wy + radius < 0 Or wy - radius > realheight Then Return 0 If wx + radius < 0 Or wx - radius > realwidth Then Return 0 Return 1 End Method Function SetViewport(x,y,width,height) GLViewPort(x, GraphicsHeight() - y - height, width, height) vpX = x; vpY = y currentHeight = height currentWidth = width If current <> Null Then current.apply() End Function Function ClearViewport() ViewOrientation.SetViewport(0,0,GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight()) currentWidth = realWidth currentHeight = realheight End Function End Type |
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Clip your polygon? |
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Update: problem happens regardless of using the openGL code in my post, whenever using openGL max2d with setorigin Update: problem only seems to exist on macbooks Update: different thread started |