Embedding Flash exes into BMax?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Embedding Flash exes into BMax?

Grey Alien(Posted 2008) [#1]
Is this possible? I'm thinking about having small flash exes that can be called by BMax and then displayed as part of the BMax graphics window (either in full-screen or windowed mode). Params would be passed to the flash games via a text file unless there are any better ways?

Anyone know anything about this? thx

popcade(Posted 2008) [#2]
Maybe wrap an existing library/dll will work like

LibSWF (google it for distros)
GameSWF: http://tulrich.com/geekstuff/gameswf.html

nether is mature, but may work.

Being a PlayBasic user, I knew there's a flash DLL for PB, if it's worth look into I'll try it on Bmax, but it doesn't do OCX initialization, so the client need to have Flash Player installed.

xlsior(Posted 2008) [#3]
Didn't indiepath have some SWF library that worked with BlitzMax?

Grey Alien(Posted 2008) [#4]
yoko: Sounds interesting. I'd be very keen to hear the results of your research.

xlsior: OK, thanks I'll ask him now.

Beaker(Posted 2008) [#5]
The PlayBasic DLL works in Bmax (actually better than it does in Blitz3D if I rememeber correctly). But, it sits on top of your normal graphics (with a masked portion), rather than being integrated into your graphics.

Your Flash part communicates with Bmax using some variable get/set commands.

Grey Alien(Posted 2008) [#6]
Interesting. Sitting on top of the normal graphics would be fine as I'd need to show the flash in a small window in the middle of the screen (both in full-screen mode and windowed mode). Does that sound viable?

BODYPRINT(Posted 2008) [#7]
Hey Grey, did you end up working this one out?

I'm writing a kids educational game and would like to be able to play flash animations in the game.


Raph(Posted 2008) [#8]
Anyone thinking of revisiting this given the recent announcement by Adobe about the Open Screen project?


plash(Posted 2008) [#9]
1. Adobe will remove license restrictions on SWF and FLV file formats. Outsiders can now build their own Flash player clones.

2. Adobe will also remove the licensing fees on its Flash player. Developers can now integrate Adobe's player into any device or application without paying a fee.

3. Porting layer APIs will be opened up. They've always been device-specific, so manufacturers have had to sign agreements with Adobe in order to include the Flash player on a particular device. By eliminating that requirement, Adobe is allowing anyone to put the Flash player on their device without even opening a dialog with the company.

4. Adobe will publish the protocols for Flash, so companies can build the content delivery systems for themselves. They no longer need to use Adobe's Flash server software.

5. Adobe will allow over-the-air updates of the Flash player. Providers and carriers can push out new player versions to their users.
Sounds Fantastic! I can only assume by the end of the year we have a working module :D

Grey Alien(Posted 2008) [#10]
Hey Grey, did you end up working this one out?
No it turned out we didn't need it any longer.

jtfrench(Posted 2008) [#11]
This definitely needs to be figured out. Flex + BMax (cross-platform though! Not just some windows DLL!) would open the door to *soo* many possibilities.

(hopefully someone out there can figure it out!)

Mr. Write Errors Man(Posted 2008) [#12]
How about using the HTML widget of GUI?

Difference(Posted 2008) [#13]
This definitely needs to be figured out. Flex + BMax (cross-platform though! Not just some windows DLL!) would open the door to *soo* many possibilities.

Why not use Adobe AIR?