Viewing animated x files?
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Viewing animated x files?
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What programs can view animated .x models? The DirectX viewer in the latest DX SDK has no controls for animation speed, and is not very good. Deep Exploration can't seem to load animated .x models at all. |
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Fragmotion. |
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Not bad. Now where can I find some animated x files in the text version of the format? |
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XSI Softimage can export and import animated x files but can crash when exporting x files, and also flips the uv coordinates horizontally which is annoying. However perhaps the Softimage XSI mod tool which is free (or it was) will do what you are after - this is used to make HL2 models or can be as well as x files. |
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I didn't ask for a tool to make animated models. |
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Assuming you have the DirectXSDK, tiny.x is a happily animating female in text format. If you want to seriously support .X you will need to get a C++ programmer to use the D3DX9Xof library as documented in the SDK. |
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Thanks. I am only interested in supporting uncompressed text x files, not all the binary and compressed versions. The loader is done for everything but materials and animation. |
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I'm sure the XSI Mod Tool can also view animated x files, which is what you are after isn't it? |
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As well you did not clearly specify what animation. Bone + Vertex Weights? Mesh Deformation? Transformation Matrix Animation? ...? X Format has more than 1 type of animation (unlike B3D which only supports bone for example, or 3DS which only supports transformation matrix based animation) |