String to integer casting problem

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/String to integer casting problem

Jur(Posted 2008) [#1]
Can somebody tell me what is the problem with the following code ...

when I enter numbers they are added to string but this string can not be converted to integer.


ziggy(Posted 2008) [#2]
You're adding the chr(0) character when no key is pressed, and that acts like a string termination on the string to integer conversion. Max Strings are not null-terminated, but as BlitzMax modules internally deal with C and C++ code, sometimes the null character chr(0) in a string can affect the code. This is something to keep on mind while coding on BlitzMax.


Global s$=""
Global s2$="10"

Graphics 800,600

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
	Local Char:Int = GetChar()
	If Char <> 0 Then s:+Chr(Char)
	DrawText "string s:" + s, 20, 20
	DrawText "integer s:" + Int(s), 20, 40
	DrawText "string s2:"+s2 ,20,60
	DrawText "integer s2:"+Int(s2),20,80

EDIT: Actually I don't think this was the problem. The problem is that the conversion ends when a non numeric character is reached and chr(0) is not a number character.

Jur(Posted 2008) [#3]
hey, thank you,
I doubt I would think of that...
