Taking the Next Step

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Taking the Next Step

TwoCorin517(Posted 2008) [#1]
I've been programming in BMax for somewhere between 2-3 years now... probably longer... I've made at least 4 complete games in BMax with a TON of expiraments from doing 2d in 3d starfields to converting text to binary. (ALOT of fun.) So I say this to say, I"m pretty adept with the syntax. I'm confident, and the few commands I don't know I pick up easily.

So I want to say this. How do I make the next step? I learned in BlitzBasic and moved up to BlitzMax, I've never learned C++ and so how am I to take my knowledge to the next step?

GfK(Posted 2008) [#2]
So I want to say this. How do I make the next step? I learned in BlitzBasic and moved up to BlitzMax, I've never learned C++ and so how am I to take my knowledge to the next step?
I don't know. What *is* the next step?

TwoCorin517(Posted 2008) [#3]
As far as I know, its integrating some Computer Science into it... But that's why I'm asking. I know I want to move forward, but I don't know where to.

GfK(Posted 2008) [#4]
Who says you must keep jumping from one thing to another?

Why don't you just stay where you are and write more games? What do you want to get out of this in the end?

Retimer(Posted 2008) [#5]
The "next step"? Would that not completely depend on your goal(s)?

TwoCorin517(Posted 2008) [#6]
GFK: All I want to do is improve my technique and take advantage of all the knowledge that has been collected... I am wondering how you guys, Profession BMax programmers got from being adept in syntax to being able to use the knowledge of computer science, like binary trees, and various structuring.

Retimer: My question is "Where do I look?"

GfK(Posted 2008) [#7]
Binary trees? Erm.... I have a yukka plant if that counts?

I know what I need to know in order to do what I want to do, and that's done me fine for the last 20 years or more.

To me, you don't sound like you have a definite goal. You seem to be following what you think everybody else expects you to do.

If you want to continue to write games in Blitzmax, then you can do that right now. If you want to work as a C++ programmer on AAA titles then you're going to need to go a lot further.

Getting a basic footing in C++ would be a good place to start.

MGE(Posted 2008) [#8]
Sounds like you're amazing yourself. Which is fun, don't get me wrong. Knowlage is power. Knowing all the indiviudal pieces of a puzzle is nothing if you dont know how to complete the puzzle in the first place.

"I've made at least 4 complete games.."

Let's see em!

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2008) [#9]
Unless you aim to go for a job with C++, do yourself a favour and don't bother learning it. It's really not the be all and end all. Plain C could be of some use to for intergrating bmax with external APIs, if that's what you're into.

The choice is yours- would you rather be the guy on GameDevNet getting max respect for creating a spinning cube in C++ and OpenGL, or a successful Indie Developer using something more productive like Blitz?

JoshK(Posted 2008) [#10]
The only reason to use C++ is if you need something BlitzMax can't do, like multi-core processing. It will take a big toll on your productivity.

I think that C++ worship has really dropped away a lot recently, maybe due to the popularity of C#. Very few people I encounter care about the programming language you use nowadays, since they are all pretty fast.

Yahfree(Posted 2008) [#11]
C++ is a female dog (no swearing on these forums :) ), its one of the harder languages out there to master, i've been going off and on with it for about 4 months. One day I hope to get a job programming (once I finished Highschool/?college?).

But from my understanding a majority of the programming jobs out there deal with newer languages such as java and C#, only game engine programming usualy deals with C++. And of course, the newer languages ARE the future, so I'm learning those too.

C++ is very low level, so its very complex. If you're just honing you programming skills, then C++ is a step onwards.

I went this route:

B3D -> Bmax(OOP) -> Java -> C++

I of course still use Bmax for game programming, why? Because its a god sent in its simplicity and power.

MGE(Posted 2008) [#12]
C++ is not "that" hard people. C'mon...it's very similar to Blitzmax once you get used to the syntax. Sure..C++ can be as low level as you want it, but the fundamentals of the language including vars, conditional statements, functions, classes (types) are not that different from Blitzmax. (At least in the short period of time I've been learning C++)

Yahfree(Posted 2008) [#13]
agreed with MGE, the language itself isnt that complex, its just the syntax thats throws most people off. If you just want to create DOS programs its quite easy.

Whats complex to me (and I should of explained better) is creating windows, and dealing with graphics libraries and other libraries, mostly dealing with computer devices on a low level that gets complicated.