Need Path Finding routines, happy to $

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Need Path Finding routines, happy to $

jonwalker(Posted 2009) [#1]
Hi All,

I�m in need of some Path Finding routines. I�ve searched for various existing solutions but none seem to fit my requirements. If these routines don�t exist then I�d be happy to pay to get them coded.

Most existing path finding systems use a �grid� to indicate where the path can be created, this usually results in a maximum of 8 possible directions. I need however code where the number of paths that can be traveled can be any number and created at runtime in code.

I see this project needing two parts.

1. Creation of a tree like structure, where any �Node� can be joined to any other Node. So you might have something like:
Create Node1(Weight)
Create Node2(Weight)
Create Node3(Weight)
Create Node4(Weight)

The �Weight� would indicate the cost of traveling through that node.

2. A path finding routine, (maybe A*? open to thoughts on this.) that can return the shortest path between any two nodes taking into account the weights. So you might have:
ShortestPath = FindPath(FromNode, ToNode)

Does anyone have any existing routines, or does someone want to take this on as a project? It�s not something I have a desire to code myself.

Thanks, Jon :o)

_JIM(Posted 2009) [#2]
Hm... I'll try this.

How soon do you need it? It might take a day or two to make sure everything works.

EDIT: Nvm that. Got the code completed with a little sample too if you're interested.

Example based on this:

Hope this covers what you need.
I'm still working on it, so I may improve certain areas, but its functional.

You (and anyone else) can use the code in any way you want. Would appreciate a mention or a donation. :)

Midimaster(Posted 2009) [#3]
I can do it with a recursive solution, free number of nodes and free number of connctions. I tested a little bit around and i already have a first solution. It could be ready saturday or sunday.

You offered to pay for it? Please conctat me under info@... to talk about the price you can pay.

jonwalker(Posted 2009) [#4]
Cool thanks Midimaster and Jiman! :o)

I'll go through this and let you know, most probably Monday. :o)

Thanks, Jon

Czar Flavius(Posted 2009) [#5]
Hm is this homework???

_JIM(Posted 2009) [#6]

Hm is this homework???

Could be :D I remember doing this for university a few years ago.

JoshK(Posted 2009) [#7]
You should look into Recast, it is excellent:

Danny(Posted 2009) [#8]
Thanks for that Jim, nice piece of code!

Multumesc ;)
