koriolis.zipstream and streaming using MaxMod

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/koriolis.zipstream and streaming using MaxMod

nrasool(Posted 2010) [#1]
Hi there

Is it possible to use koriolis.zipstream with maxmod2

eg can you put the following as it is not working for me

Import koriolis.zipstream
Import koriolis.zipstream
Global music_path:String = "ZIP::music.zip//"
Global Sample:TAudioSample = LoadMusic(music_path + "music/menu/ps_main_theme.ogg")
If Not Sample RuntimeError("Unable to load music")
Local Sound:TSound = LoadSound(Sample)
If Not Sample RuntimeError("Unable to load sound")
Local Channel:TChannel = PlaySound(sound)

The load music part is not working, can this be done streaming inside a zip file?

Kind Regards

GfK(Posted 2010) [#2]
By streaming from a Zip file, you're decompressing twice - once for the ZIP file, and once for the OGG file itself. That's impractical.

The best way to do it (even if you aren't using zipStream) is to load the OGG file to a bank and stream it from there as it eliminates the constant hard drive access.

Import koriolis.zipstream
Import maxmod2.rtaudio
Import maxmod2.ogg

SetAudioStreamDriver("Maxmod rtaudio")

Graphics 400,300,0

Local bank:TBank = LoadBank("ZIP::music.zip//music.ogg")
Local music:TChannel = PlayMusic(bank)



By doing it this way, you get the ZIP decompression and HD access out of the way in one hit (which here, is about 40ms for a 1.5MB OGG file).

nrasool(Posted 2010) [#3]
Cheers Gfk, Much appreciated :)

Kryzon(Posted 2010) [#4]
Koriolis's forum registration is offline.

Koriolis(Posted 2010) [#5]
I have just tested registration, and it works. Can you try again?

Kryzon(Posted 2010) [#6]
Just tried, it goes like this:

When I enter all the details, mark "I agree" etc. in the form and hit Register, it goes to "http://www.koriolis-fx.com/forum/index.php?action=register2".

The page turns to "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable":

Service Temporarily Unavailable

The server is temporarily unable to service your requeste due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

This error was the same one that came up when I tried before, in post #4.

EDIT: Tried with a different browser and even through a proxy-surf, still the same "503-Service-Temporarily-Unavailable" error. I guess it's over there.

GfK(Posted 2010) [#7]
Koriolos - while you're about(ish), did you know that your mod has SetZipStreamPassword() (or whatever it is) spelt wrong? Its got 3 s's in it. Caught me out for a while, that!

Koriolis(Posted 2010) [#8]
@Kryzon: Thanks. I tried again and everything worked. So I tried AGAIN , and sure enough, now it consistently fails. I'll have to contact my host, they really should not let this happen.
@GfK: Yes, I know that, and actually I have just released a new version and used the occasion to correct the spelling.

WERDNA(Posted 2010) [#9]
I'm having the same problems with registration!

Any estimate on how long it might take?
I'll be in need of ZipStream fairly soon...

Looks awesome by the way Koriolis. I really look forward to downloading it :)