release: RAD Module
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/release: RAD Module
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Here is a small module that I made which I use in pretty much everything I do. I used 3DRAD many many many years ago, and remember some of my favorite old functions. Here is my implementation of the following functions that I used to use in 3DRAD interpolate oscillate limit between wrap rebound A few of these also have Float versions implemented. Download it here: To install, just unzip into your mod folder, and build modules Here are a couple of samples from the documentation: Bouncing ball example using Rebound() Import jmd.rad Global velY:Float = 0 Global gravityForce:Float = -0.5 Global posY:Float = 0 Global posX:Float Global velX:Float Global ballDiameter:Int = 50 Graphics 640,480 SeedRnd MilliSecs() init() While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) If velY<>0 'calculate gravity forces velY:- gravityForce EndIf 'air friction velX:* 0.99 'hack-ish friction 'add acceleration to postion posY:+ velY posX:+ velX 'Rebound! If posY>GraphicsHeight()-ballDiameter posY=GraphicsHeight()-ballDiameter velY=Rebound(velY,0.75,0.1) EndIf If PosX<0 posX=0 velX=Rebound(velX,0.75,0.1) EndIf If posX>GraphicsWidth()-ballDiameter posX=GraphicsWidth()-ballDiameter velX=Rebound(velX,0.75,0.1) EndIf 'Reset? If KeyHit(KEY_R) Init() EndIf 'Draw it Cls DrawText "Press R to reset",10,10 DrawOval posX,posY,ballDiameter,ballDiameter Flip Wend Function init() PosX=GraphicsWidth()/2 velX=Rnd(-15,15) posY=0 velY=0.001 End Function Snake-like waving balls using Oscillate() Import jmd.rad Graphics 640,480 While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) Cls Local numSpheres:Int=30 For Local i:Int = 0 To numSpheres SetColor(i*8,128-i*7,255-i*7) DrawOval Oscillate(0,600,4000,i*(360/numSpheres)),i*20,20,20 DrawOval Oscillate(600,0,4000,i*(360/numSpheres)),i*20,20,20 SetColor(255-i*7,i*8,128-i*7) DrawOval Oscillate(100,500,2000,i*(360/numSpheres)),i*20,20,20 DrawOval Oscillate(500,100,2000,i*(360/numSpheres)),i*20,20,20 SetColor(128-i*7,255-i*7,i*8) DrawOval Oscillate(200,400,4000,i*(360/numSpheres)),i*20,20,20 DrawOval Oscillate(400,200,4000,i*(360/numSpheres)),i*20,20,20 Next Flip Wend |
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It's also possible to create a set of modules and host them in the same place - like this. Which may be more easy to manage? |
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thanks for the advice, I'll definitely look into doing something similar! |
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Looks nice :) Although, you could short the Between function to this: Function between:Int(value:Int,vMin:Int,vMax:Int) If value < vMin Return False If value > vMax Return False Return True End FunctionThere's no need for those Else's because Return breaks the function at that point. If the condition is not true, it just goes forth. After a bit of testing, the wrap function seems to be wrong. |
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I'll take a peek at the wrap function, but I don't have 3DRAD (or windows for that matter) anymore, so I couldn't compare the output |
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Ok, I fixed the Wrap() functions and they work as they should now. There is a new version 1.3 for download at I also added a wrap example in the documentation that makes it easy to verify it works: SuperStrict Import jmd.rad Local value:Int=1 Graphics 640,480 While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) If KeyHit(KEY_UP) value=value+1 EndIf If KeyHit(KEY_DOWN) value=value-1 EndIf Cls DrawText "Use the Up and Down arrows to change value",10,10 DrawText "Value: " + value,10,50 DrawText "wrapped between 9 and 14: " + wrap(value,9,14),10,70 Flip Wend End I also expanded on the Oscillate() and Rebound() function examples |