SVN BlitzMax+GUI+IDE Without Command Line (Almost)
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Tutorials/SVN BlitzMax+GUI+IDE Without Command Line (Almost)
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Getting the most recent versions of BlitzMax, MaxGUI and the community IDE can be a hassle, but you don't need to know anything about the command line to make it work. Here's how to do it in Windows. You don't need a prior version of BlitzMax installed. First, make sure you have the correct version of MinGW installed. If you use Vista, you should follow all the extra instructions; if you use XP, don't, just add MinGW to your PATH as explained in the thread. Next, install Tortoise SVN. If you had to install either, you must restart your computer now. Create a new folder for BlitzMax, eg. C:\Program Files\BlitzMax. Right click, and select "SVN Checkout" from the context menu. Enter the following in "URL of repository": Click OK. You will be prompted for your username and password. If you check the save box, you won't have to enter them each time. Downloading everything will take around 1-2 minutes on a 1M broadband. Create two folders in the BlitzMax folder: BlitzMax\bin and BlitzMax\lib. Complete the same checkout procedure as above by right clicking each, but using the following entries as URL of repository, respectively: Now, if you have MaxGUI, create a folder for it: BlitzMax\mod\maxgui.mod and checkout using the following URL: (You'll need to re-enter your username and password.) Finally, create BlitzMax\ide for checking out the community IDE from the following URL: Now you have all the files needed. Create two text files in BlitzMax\bin and name them makemods.bat and makeide.bat. They should have the following contents (with the paths you used): makemods.bat: bmk makemods -a makeide.bat: bmk makeapp -r -t gui -o "C:\Program Files\BlitzMax\MaxIDE.exe" "C:\Program Files\BlitzMax\ide\maxide.bmx" Now, running makemods will (re)build all modules. This will take time. Almost an hour on my crappy laptop. After the window closes, you can run makeide, to build the IDE. After that you should have a working IDE in BlitzMax\MaxIDE. Later, you may update to the latest SVN version of BlitzMax by right clicking on the BlitzMax folder and clicking Update. If you update BlitzMax, you should also check for updates to BlitzMax\bin. Similarly, you can update MaxGUI and the IDE by right clicking on their respective folders. After updating BlitzMax or MaxGUI, you can rebuild modules either from the IDE or by running the makemods file you created above. If you update the IDE sources or MaxGUI, you can use makeide to create a new IDE executable. Updated with mutley's suggestion. |
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That makes it all a little easier to follow. Thanks :) Steve. |
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I posted a flash video tutorial further down the forum, for anyone else who is interested. |
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Nice tutorial. :) If you make the command line: bmk makeapp -r -t gui -o "C:\Program Files\BlitzMax\MaxIDE.exe" "C:\Program Files\BlitzMax\ide\maxide.bmx" It will build as a GUI app and you won't keep seeing the console box pop up when you launch. Also, it might be worth making the paths relative so you can just double click the batch files. My version as follows: bmk makeapp -r -t gui -o "..\MaxIDE-Community.exe" "..\ide\maxide.bmx" bmk makeapp -r -t gui -o "..\MaxIDE.exe" "..\src\maxide\maxide.bmx" pause As you can see I make the offical IDE as well and rename the community one so I can use both. The pause is just to keep the output on screen in case of errors when you double-click it. Muttley |
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Where is BMK documented? I've been looking into BMK all day to try to figure out how to compile a gui app from the command line. And then I saw this thread (thanks, BTW). Aside from the source code, is BMK fully documented anywhere? The Max docs only describe a small subset of the available options. Thanks! |
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Help -> User Guide -> bmk But it needs some updating. For example -b is not documented... (use custom AppStub module) |
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Hi Brucey. Thanks. Yeah, I saw that page already, but it is severely lacking information. It only documents 3 options. According to the source code I looked at, there are at least a dozen options. The -t is kind of critical, I would think. I wasn't able to compile GUI apps from the command line without knowing this! :) |