MiniB3D Collisions Tutorial
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Tutorials/MiniB3D Collisions Tutorial
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Here is my MiniB3D Collisions Tutorial :) Newcomers, Read carefully Copy and paste into MaxIDE or BLIde for syntax highlighting! '* MiniB3D Collisions Tutorial '* By: Captain Wicker (Austin) '* '* Credit is to be given NOT taken '* Use as you wish :) SuperStrict 'just what it says Import sidesign.minib3d 'import MiniB3D module or nothing will work 'AutoMidHandle True 'does nothing in this code Const Sphere_Collision:Int = 1 'setup a constant for the sphere's collision Const Sphere2_Collision:Int = 2 'setup a constant for the second sphere's collision Graphics3D(640, 480, 16, 2) 'set graphics mode to 640x480 pixels with 16 bit color mode (can be changed to 24 or 32 colors) in windowed mode Global Light:TLight = CreateLight(2) 'create light and double it's light by 2 Global CAMERA:TCamera = CreateCamera() 'create the camera so the objects will show themselves! Global Sphere:TMesh = CreateSphere(24) 'create rouder 24 triangle/poly sphere EntityColor(Sphere, 255, 0, 0) 'color the sphere red - *(red,green,blue)* PositionEntity(Sphere, 2, 0, 5) 'Position the sphere in front of the camera and away from the other sphere EntityType(Sphere, Sphere_Collision) 'append the constant collision data to the sphere Global Sphere2:TMesh = CreateSphere(24) 'create rounder 24 triangle/poly sphere PositionEntity(Sphere2, -2, 0, 5) 'Position second sphere in front of the camera and away from the other sphere EntityColor(Sphere2, 0, 0, 255) 'color the second sphere blue - *(red,green,blue)* EntityType(Sphere2, Sphere2_Collision) 'append the constant collision data to second sphere While Not AppTerminate() And Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) 'run program until either the application is exited or the escape key is hit If KeyDown(KEY_UP) Then 'If the up key is down then \/ ('then' is not a must have) MoveEntity(Sphere, 0, 0, .1) 'move sphere forward ElseIf KeyDown(KEY_DOWN) Then 'If the down key is down then \/ ('then' is not a must have) MoveEntity(Sphere, 0, 0, -.1) 'move sphere backward ElseIf KeyDown(KEY_LEFT) Then 'If the left key is down then \/ ('then' is not a must have) MoveEntity(Sphere, -.1, 0, 0) 'move sphere to the left ElseIf KeyDown(KEY_RIGHT) Then 'If the right key is down then\/ ('then' is not a must have) MoveEntity(Sphere, .1, 0, 0) 'move sphere to the right EndIf 'end move state Collisions(Sphere_Collision, Sphere2_Collision, 2, 2) 'update collisions using the ellipsoid to polygon and full sliding collision methods UpdateWorld 'Update the scene RenderWorld 'Draw the scene after updated Text(260, 440, "Ball Collisions") 'Draw Text to the bottom of the screen Flip(+ 1) 'Leave as is for SpeedSync or change to Flip(-1) for VSync (slower) Wend 'close program loop Last edited 2012 |
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That looks more like a code snippet than a tutorial... |
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:( |
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I rest my case. [bbcode]Function Collisions(src_no:Int,dest_no:Int,method_no:Int,response_no:Int=0) TGlobal.Collisions(src_no,dest_no,method_no,response_no) End Function[/bbcode] Last edited 2012 |