More organised system for module tweaks

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Module Tweaks/More organised system for module tweaks

Robert(Posted 2004) [#1]
I'm really glad that you decided to open up the module source code Mark, however I'm not sure that this forum is the best way to manage ideas for module tweaks.

Maybe a better option would be to list proposed patches by module.

Have a form where users can submit their new module file, plus an explanation of the changes. The module file would be diffed against the one on the modserver (there are PHP scripts out there that can do this), and when you viewed the patch information, there would be a link to download a version of the module file with the changes (which could be generated on the fly), plus a link which showed a colour coded-diff of the current module against the new one.

Users could then comment on the changes, and possibly submit alternative proposals.

skidracer and Mark could then mark patches as approved or rejected or whatever.

AaronK(Posted 2004) [#2]
I think that's a way better idea because for most purposes I think any changes to the standard Blitz modules should be kept in sync for everyone. Otherwise this could get out of hand and there will be a huge maintenance nightmare. Imagine downloading someone's file and having to have/install all these modified versions of the blitz mods...Yuk And then you'd have to probably uninstall for other projects, or your own development. Maybe some were copyright who knows?


Warren(Posted 2004) [#3]
Official mods can be downloaded from inside of BlitzMax itself. I did it last night and it grabbed 2 updated modules off the server automagically.

marksibly(Posted 2004) [#4]
Yeah, don't forget syncmods!

'Official' tweaks made to modules will be distributed via syncmods.

In truth, I really have no idea if this is a good/bad system, but I'll be giving it a bit longer before making any decisions.

This whole private fourm thing might turn out to be overkill, but providing so much source code with a product is a bit scary for me so I decided to start out paranoid...

Perturbatio(Posted 2004) [#5]
Is there a way to manually download the updated modules? I don't have network access on OSX.


But yeah, a way of posting custom updates like the code archives (along with users comments) would be good.

Robert(Posted 2004) [#6]
Mark, this isn't so much about getting updates to mods (that system sounds very efficient). It is more about users publishing patches for modules, which BRL can either accept, modify and accept or reject.

FlameDuck(Posted 2004) [#7]
Mark, this isn't so much about getting updates to mods (that system sounds very efficient). It is more about users publishing patches for modules, which BRL can either accept, modify and accept or reject.
Which is kinda like the way most managable OpenSource projects work. Everyone can contribute, the maintainer decides what goes in.

It's tried and tested.

Hotcakes(Posted 2004) [#8]
I kinda assumed that's what would happen here. People post suggestions for improvements/additions and if it makes sense to BRL to include it, to do so in the name of syncmods...

Jim Teeuwen(Posted 2004) [#9]
indeed, but wading throughthis forum, post by post to find new snippets for reviewing will become a real pain in the arse in a short while..

Bot Builder(Posted 2004) [#10]
Yep, BRL should accept usert changes, evaluate them and incorperate. (perhaps comments in the canged area for credits)

N(Posted 2004) [#11]
I vote for Subversion-esque system. Submit revisions, then Blitz Research decides whether or not they're to be incorporated into updates.

Kanati(Posted 2004) [#12]
I personally don't think anyone should modify the BRL mods at all... As I found out when adding GetKey() to System.Win32... Sure it works for me. But one day you make a change to an "official" mod... distribute some code that calls that command... And no one can use your code because you don't have "official" mods any more. You have personalized them.

Won't make an ounce of difference if you're distributing executables. But if it's source, then it won't work.

I really don't see a way around that kind of issue without maybe distributing the mod itself with your code if you make a new PUB mod... But then you get into "Ok, I added XX to this public mod" and "He added ZZ to the same public mod"... So now you have to try to merge the two together... And the headaches begin.

There's definitely going to be issues with mods. I just hope they don't turn into a nightmare. <crosses fingers because I really do like them>


Bot Builder(Posted 2004) [#13]
Doesn't BMAX have overloaded operators? And anyway, Kanati, not all tweaks introduce new function parameters. BRL can just override functions in which a new version, with new parameters is suggested. So then, your code will still work and you can use the new verison if you wish.

And also, in your example, distributing code that uses personalized mods, well, that's sortof the point of having a tweak submission and syncmods. Its your own fault if you use some custom mod tweak, but it's ok to use it if you get BRL to accept it and throw it into the system.

Hotcakes(Posted 2004) [#14]
There's definitely going to be issues with mods. I just hope they don't turn into a nightmare. <crosses fingers because I really do like them>

I hope in future if someone has an idea/suggestion for an official mod that BRL will be quick to say yay or nay on the subject. Then we either just sit around and wait for them to make the chages or we go about figuring out some other way of doing it :/

Russell(Posted 2004) [#15]
Yes, I agree that BRL (Mark) should have final say on what gets to be 'officially' included in the package. Of course, you'd still have the option of modifying your own modules if you want, but there'd be no guarantees that code won't be broken...

Mark is the engineer of this here train, so let's let him run the controls...


Grisu(Posted 2004) [#16]
New modules pop up like ants out of the ground.
I always have a bad feeling that stuff might not work, that worked before when using new stuff.

As Russell said: let Mark control his train! :)

MrCredo(Posted 2005) [#17]
hm what about wikipedia-like source organisation????

everybody can change codes, add comments etc...

Russell(Posted 2005) [#18]
MrCredo, can you clarify what you mean?


MrCredo(Posted 2005) [#19]

someone upload all module-sources to a online-website (for example

everybody can add his hacks or change this modules.

at the same way how works...

but i think, only registered users should have write-access to this modules...

at this way, we can create stable, fast, powerful modules... i hope

tonyg(Posted 2005) [#20]
... or cause problems by, unwittingly, changing code which others have changed or need to function correctly.

taxlerendiosk(Posted 2005) [#21]
Could we have the code for the forums changed so in this one there is (accepted) (rejected) (under vote) (undetermined) etc. at the end of thread names? Just a thought.

Hotcakes(Posted 2005) [#22]
I vote for denzil's idea, like 10 times.

MrCredo(Posted 2005) [#23]
;-) wikimedia have history-function
you can switch to older version - or compare current version with older one, to see changes

and wikimedia support "forums" - everybody can post suggestions or changes to it...

this is more flexible than a simply forum...

Bot Builder(Posted 2005) [#24]
True but code is sensitive stuff. After changina module it might appear to work, but you could have borked it in some unforseeable way, etc. The forum mod idea is the best idea, imho. Yes, a borked module on a wiki could be reverted, but a forum would be more like posting possible changes that editing the actual module.

MrCredo(Posted 2005) [#25]
hm yes... i think not all people should have write-access to this sources... only ~5-10 or so... other can post suggestions...