[P]articleSky Module

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Module Tweaks/[P]articleSky Module

Suco-X(Posted 2005) [#1]
Here is my first module release, [P]articleSky.
With [P]articleSky you can easy create and play emitters for nice Particle Effects in your Game. If you have any Suggestions, please tell me.
See the samples if you are interested.
German Version: http://www.blitz-pasting.net/index.php?content=bp_showupload&id=149
English Version: http://www.blitz-pasting.net/index.php?content=bp_showupload&id=148
Mfg Suco

Ziltch(Posted 2005) [#2]
Is it ver 1.4 or 1.3?
As this zip only contains a ParticleSky1.3 dir with files in it.

Thanks for sharing you work!

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2005) [#3]
Whats with all the [P] stuff? :P

Thanks for sharing.

Dirk Krause(Posted 2005) [#4]
I think it's a fredborg[tm] syntax rippoff.
But yes, thanks for sharing.

Suco-X(Posted 2005) [#5]
Thanks for your comments. No more suggestions for ParticleSky or is it perfect? ;)
Mfg Suco

Panno(Posted 2005) [#6]
runs fine here

thx suco-x