Max2D Request List
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Module Tweaks/Max2D Request List
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Hi there I think, we should post all our Max2D-Related Requests in one topic to avoid opening thousands of threads. here are my own requests and requests of other BMax-users, collected in this thread: 1. Imagebuffers / "Render2Texture" (<-- an official one!). Also with Copy2Texture from Backbuffer or another Texture. 2. DrawTexturedPoly including Vertexcolor, Vertexalpha and - if there is something like this - Vertexblending. Also, I want an official one here. 3. Automatic splitting of Images with sizes above What-the-Gfx-Card-can-handle into smaller fragments which I can still handle as one Image. 4. RotateViewport, ScaleViewport. Just turn or zoom the camera. 5. More blend modes - we have add and multiply, what about subtract, inverse, etc 6. Proper filled/unfilled primitives - rectangles, triangles, circles, ovals, polygons (should have been in right from the start!) 7. Flood fill. 8. Color conversion - RGB - HSV. 9. Draw with logical operations - and/or/xor/not etc. 10. Shaders. 11. Realtime polygon antialiased font - with texturing, hollow or filled flat. 12. Extended and more customizeable DrawPoly-Command: We need Vertexcolor and VertexAlpha! 13. Get the maximum texture size. 14. Get the amount of video memory available in the system. 15. Get the amount of video memory used by Max. 16. Get a lock on the backbuffer so you can write directly to it. 17. Line style - dotted/patterned/textured lines. 18. CopyRect from one area of the backbuffer to another. 19. Loading of images that loads into a hidden pixmap and uploads to the gfx card then deletes the hidden pixmap. 20. Lighting. 21. Proper use of single texture to store multiple sub-textures (sub images). 22. DX9 driver for Max2D 23. Ability to define pixel dataformat of backbuffer. Would be nice to render floating point pixels for HDR. 24. Ability to read out pixels directly from backbuffer 25. Commands for saving the backbuffer or parts of the backbuffer to a file (bmp|png|jpeg|gif|...or whatever) The reason, why I want official commands / support for this is, that I can be sure, that official things will work ever. I don't have to bother keeping all modules up to date or fixing new incompatibilities. Also, official Modules are always compatible with both Mac, Linux and Windows and both OpenGL and DirectX. So, please don't just link to any User-made-modules. I know, there are some. I want it in Max2D. |
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1. More blend modes - we have add and multiply, what about subtract, inverse, etc 2. Proper filled/unfilled primitives - rectangles, triangles, circles, ovals, polygons (should have been in right from the start!) 3. Draw Image with perspective (like Deluxe Paint functionality, or to make parallax floors/ceilings.) 4. Flood fill. 5. Color conversion - RGB - HSV. 6. `Point` command to read a pixel or pixels from the backbuffer. 7. Extension of DrawImage with different vertex colors and alpha for each corner. 8. DrawImage as an irregular polygon (i guess same as a textured poly.) 9. Draw with logical operations - and/or/xor/not etc. 10. Some way of handling vertex arrays etc for speed. 11. Shaders. 12. Textured mesh. 13. Realtime polygon antialiased font - with texturing, hollow or filled flat. 14. Gradients (even just setting vertex colors with interpolation would be useful). 15. Particle engine. 16. Get the maximum texture size. 17. Get the amount of video memory available in the system. 18. Get the amount of video memory used by Max. 19. Get a lock on the backbuffer so you can write directly to it. 20. A snap-to-grid system. 21. Line style - dotted/patterned/textured lines. 22. Textured lines as in glow lines with curved corners. 23. A tile system automatically handle spooling of tiles from memory and drawing a tilemap. 24. CopyRect from one area of the backbuffer to another. 25. CopyToTexture to copy from backbuffer to texture. 26. RenderToTexture to draw directly onto a texture. 27. Way of rendering lots of pixels/particles at once using arrays. 28. SavePixmapJPEG. 29. Loading of images that loads into a hidden pixmap and uploads to the gfx card then deletes the hidden pixmap. 30. Saving of images that spools sections of the backbuffer to a small buffer and writes it to disk. 31. Lighting. 32. Bumpmapping - reflections and refractions. 33. Proper use of single texture to store multiple sub-textures (sub images). |
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I agree, someone needs to be hired to add all this stuff, and make it official, and bug free, and always up to date, while Mark works on the compiler. |
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I'll add your Points to my first post, but not all of them. Here's why: >> 3. Draw Image with perspective (like Deluxe Paint functionality, or to make parallax floors/ceilings.) You don't need this if you've got DrawTexturedPoly which I already requested. >> 6. `Point` command to read a pixel or pixels from the backbuffer. I'm not quite sure, but I think, you can grab a 1x1 Pixmap and read out the Pixel from there without a big speed-loss... well, Reading from the backbuffer is always a speed-loss in BlitzMax.. >> 7. Extension of DrawImage with different vertex colors and alpha for each corner. DrawTexturedPoly! >> 8. DrawImage as an irregular polygon (i guess same as a textured poly.) Yep. DrawTexturedPoly. >> 11. Shaders. >> 12. Textured mesh. These two are Max3D, I think. But Shaders in 2D would be cool and also useful. >> 14. Gradients (even just setting vertex colors with interpolation would be useful). I interpret this as "More customizeable DrawPoly". >> 15. Particle engine. I don't agree with that. A particle-Engine is something you should write yourself, because it needs to be customized for your game / your engine. Also, you can customize it for your own needs. >> 19. Get a lock on the backbuffer so you can write directly to it. I don't understand that, but I'll add it anyway *g* >> 20. A snap-to-grid system. Can't be too hard to code yourself. Also, almost not anybody needs it. >> 22. Textured lines as in glow lines with curved corners. Well, that's DrawTexturedPoly ^^ >> 23. A tile system automatically handle spooling of tiles from memory and drawing a tilemap. I'm not sure what excactly you mean, but it sounds like something which is better if you code it yourself. >> 24. CopyRect from one area of the backbuffer to another. >> 25. CopyToTexture to copy from backbuffer to texture. I'll add these two to Render2Texture. >> 26. RenderToTexture to draw directly onto a texture. Already got that. >> 27. Way of rendering lots of pixels/particles at once using arrays. "DoItYourself" rulez ;) >> 30. Saving of images that spools sections of the backbuffer to a small buffer and writes it to disk. Again, I think you can do this with existing commands. >> 32. Bumpmapping - reflections and refractions. Shaders. |
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I only have 2 requests: Renderbuffers again (until then, thank you indie for your contribution) Much more important: DX9 driver |
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I have most of these things already and I must add that if you don't want to use my modules or wait in vain for BRL to add something that's already available then I suggest you write your own. |
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Fetze, 3. You do need it to be in perspective though, unless you are saying that DrawTexturedPoly will accept a Z coordinate for each point. 6. Yes you can already do it with direct GL calls etc, but for beginners etc there should be a user friendly way to read backbuffer content. 15. There should be at least basic support for some kind of particles so you can create like fireworks and such, e.g. DrawParticles, GrabParticles, MoveParticles, etc. 19. Like LockImage, except it doesn't download the image to a pixmap ... you need to `lock` the backbuffer so that the o/s knows not to change the location of it in memory until you unlock it, so that you can be sure of where you are writing to. Then you can draw directly to the buffer, which for some things would be faster than using GL/DX. 22. It's a little more complex than just drawing textured poly's. 23. It should be there for beginners. 27. Of course DIY rules, but Max2D is aimed at beginners or people who don't want to get low level. 30. But not automatically. 32. Yah. :-) I also would like to add the ability to define what format of pixel data the backbuffer is. Normally it is rgba8 or rgb5, but it'd be nice to be able to render floating point pixels for HDR. |
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@AngelDaniel 3. I thought of calculating the perspective yourself, but with Z-coordinates it would work too. 6. Okay, I'll add it to the "Mainlist" above. 15. Well... I think, for a Beginner it would be more helpful to have a nice tutorial. Particles are really not that hard and also something which is fun (personal opinion ^^). 19. Ahh.. thanks :) 22. Actually, it's just one polygon, eight vertices, UV-Coordinates like this: [0.0|0.0] [0.5|0.0] [0.5|0.0] [1.0|0.0] [0.0|1.0] [0.5|1.0] [0.5|1.0] [1.0|1.0] Then, you texture it with a matching Image and you have your textured-lines-with-rounded-edges ^^ 23. Yeah, but... come on, a tilemap! Everybody can do a tilemap. 27. I think, the following code will do (I'm not the author. Just debugged a very very little and extended by around 2 lines): Rem ObjectList created by Kris Kelly (Perturbatio) Dec 2005 purpose: faster access to a list of objects with less mem usage it's performance is comparable to a TList when using a small number of strings but when you are using a large amount, it is much better (and uses less memory). When invoking the create method, you can specify the StepSize, this is the amount that the Items Array will be increased by each time it is in danger of running out of space. It is faster to do it in large blocks than in hundreds of little ones. Modified and debugged by Fetze March 2006 End Rem Type TListArray Field Items:Object[] Field _Size:Int = 0 'DO NOT MANUALLY MODIFY THIS!!! Field StepSize:Int Method Copy:TListArray() Local larrTemp:TListArray = TListArray.Create(StepSize) larrTemp.Items = Items[..] larrTemp._Size = _Size Return larrTemp End Method Method AddFirst(val:Object, bSpeed:Byte = False) Local i:Int 'grow Items array by 1 'Items = Items[..Items.Length + 1] _Size:+1 'resize in bulk If Items.Length < _Size Then Items = Items[.._Size+StepSize] If bSpeed = True Then 'move first item Items[_Size - 1] = Items[0] Else 'shift Items to the rightt, overwriting val For i = 1 To _Size-1 'Items.Length - 1 Items[i] = Items[i - 1] Next End If Items[0] = val 'no need to return anything here since we know it was added at 0 End Method Method AddLast:Int(val:Object) 'grow Items array by 1 'Items = Items[..Items.Length + 1] _Size:+1 'resize in bulk If Items.Length < _Size Then Items = Items[.._Size+StepSize] 'set the last index to val Items[_Size-1] = val Return _Size - 1'return the index it was added at End Method 'return the entire list as a concatenated string with optional delimiter 'because base objects have ToString, cannot override with different parameters Method ToDelimString:String(Delim:String = "") Local result:String Local i:Int For i = 0 To _Size-2 result:+Items[i].ToString() + Delim Next result:+ Items[_Size-1].ToString() Return result End Method Method ToString:String() Return ToDelimString() 'just call ToDelimString with no parameters End Method 'You could just reference the field _Size (which is what is done throughout the code), 'but that could result in an unsafe type if you Method Count:Int() Return _Size End Method 'return the first index where the list contains val, else return -1 Method Contains:Int(val:Object) Local i:Int For i = 0 To _Size-1 If val = Items[i] Then Return i Next Return -1 End Method Function FromArray:TListArray(val:Object[]) Local tempList:TListArray = TListArray.Create() Try tempList.Items = val tempList._Size = val.length Catch err:String RuntimeError("Error when converting from Object Array to TListArray, error: ~n"+err$) Return Null End Try Return tempList End Function Rem Function FromString:TListArray(val:String, Delim:String) Local tempList:TListArray = TListArray.Create() Local currentChar : String = "" Local count : Int = 0 Local TokenStart : Int = 0 If Delim.Length <0 Or Delim.Length > 1 Then Return Null If Len(Delim)<>1 Then Return Null val = Trim(val) For count = 0 Until Len(val) If val[count..count+1] = delim Then tempList.AddLast(val[TokenStart..Count]) TokenStart = count + 1 End If Next tempList.AddLast(val[TokenStart..Count]) Return tempList End Function EndRem 'if AutoAddToEnd is true then if the index specified is greater than size, use AddLast Method Insert:Int(val:Object, index:Int, AutoAddToEnd:Int = False, bSpeed:Byte = False) Local i:Int 'If index is out of range, Return False If index < 0 Then Return False If index > _Size Then If Not AutoAddToEnd Then Return False Else AddLast(val) Return True EndIf EndIf 'if the index is equal to Size then addlast If index = _Size Then AddLast(val) Return True EndIf 'resize Items 'Items = Items[..Items.Length] _Size:+1 'resize in bulk If Items.Length < _Size Then Items = Items[.._Size + StepSize] If bSpeed = True Then 'move item Items[_Size - 1] = Items[index] Else 'shift Items to the right from index For i = _Size-1 To index+1 Step -1 Items[i] = Items[i - 1] Next End If 'then insert val Items[index] = val Return True End Method Method RemoveByIndex:Int(index:Int, bSpeed:Byte = False) If index > (_Size - 1) Then Return False If index < 0 Then Return False If _Size > 0 Then If bSpeed = True Then 'overwrite Items[index] = Items[_Size - 1] Else 'shift Items to the left, overwriting index Local i:Int For i = index To _Size - 2 Items[i] = Items[i + 1] Next End If 'shrink Items by 1 _Size:-1 If _Size < 0 Then _Size = 0 'null the end one Items[_Size] = Null 'if the length of items is at least (2 *StepSize) larger than Size, resize the array 'this should help prevent the size from getting out of control but keep it reasonably fast If _Size < Items.Length - (StepSize * 2) Then Items = Items[.._Size] Else _Size = 0 Items[_Size] = Null End If End Method Method RemoveByObject:Int(val:Object, RemoveAll:Int = False, bSpeed:Byte = False) Local i:Int i = Contains(val) While i > -1 RemoveByIndex(i, bSpeed) If Not RemoveAll Then Exit i = Contains(val) Wend Return True End Method Method Clear() Items = Items[..0] _Size = 0 End Method Method ToArray:Object[]() Return Items[.._Size] End Method Method AddToList(List:TList Var) For Local s:Object = EachIn items List.AddLast(s) Next End Method Method ToList:TList() Local listTemp:TList = New TList AddToList(listTemp) Return listTemp End Method Method GetStepSize:Int() Return StepSize End Method Method SetStepSize(val:Int) If val < 1 Then val = 1 'don't allow negative values StepSize = val End Method Method Sort(bAscending:Byte = True) Local iOldSize:Int iOldSize = Items.length Items = Items[.._Size] Items.Sort(bAscending) Items = Items[..iOldSize] End Method Method Free() TListArray.Destroy(Self) End Method 'returns true if swap occurred Method SwapByIndex:Int(FirstIndex:Int, SecondIndex:Int) If FirstIndex<0 Or FirstIndex > _Size-1 Or SecondIndex<0 Or SecondIndex > _Size-1 Then Return False 'if out of bounds then return false Local tempObject:Object tempObject = items[FirstIndex] items[FirstIndex] = items[SecondIndex] items[SecondIndex] = tempObject Return True End Method 'returns true if swap occurred Method SwapByVal:Int(FirstObject:Object, SecondObject:Object) If FirstObject = Null Or SecondObject=Null Then Return False Local tempObject:Object Local FirstIndex:Int, SecondIndex:Int FirstIndex = Contains(FirstObject) SecondIndex = Contains(SecondObject) If FirstIndex > -1 And SecondIndex > -1 Then tempObject = items[FirstIndex] items[FirstIndex] = items[SecondIndex] items[SecondIndex] = tempObject Return True EndIf Return False End Method Function Destroy(List:TListArray) List.Clear() List = Null GCCollect End Function Function Create:TListArray(StepSize:Int = 10) Local tempList:TListArray = New TListArray tempList.StepSize = StepSize Return tempList End Function End Type I think, it or something like that should be added as standard. 30. That's right. I'll add it. |
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19. SavePixmapJPEG. ...already in there, isn't it? |
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yep |
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It is? Cool. |
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I started a large requests thread that got lots of posts in the old Beta/Upgrades thread that got wiped out. Nice. |
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>> 19. SavePixmapJPEG. Removed. Thanks for the hint. |