savebuffer and the grey hell

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Beginners Area/savebuffer and the grey hell

JMS45GB(Posted 2005) [#1]

Im trying to take a screen sot of my program using


but when i open the created bitmap the back ground which was white

CLSCOLOR 255,255,255

has changed to


which means it wont print with out a grey back ground that looks crap(Oh and eats ink like a sob)


JMS45GB(Posted 2005) [#2]
Jist relised im still using blitz basic please dont stone me from the forum i didnt know it had changed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whats the dif and how and is it worth the update?

BTW the gry back ground still wrecking my program!!!!!!

Grey Alien(Posted 2005) [#3]
Are you running in 16 bit colour instead of 32 bit colour?

Beaker(Posted 2005) [#4]
You already got some good answers here:

JMS45GB(Posted 2005) [#5]
They didnt help beaker but ta for the link to me own post M8 ;)
Alien 32 or 16 didnt know you could change that????? What dif it gonna make and how

xlsior(Posted 2005) [#6]
What dif it gonna make and how

16 bit color will give you 16,777,216 colors, while 16 bit color will give you only 65,536colors.
(true color vs. high color)

in 16 bit mode you only have 16 shades of each color, vs. 256 in 32 bit color... And since you still use the color addressing as 255,255,255, yopu are going to get 'rounding' in 16 bit, and the colors often won't be exactly what you expect...

You need 32 bit to accurately display a color in 255,255,255 format...

JMS45GB(Posted 2005) [#7]
Thanks guys I added 32 to end of the graphics comand it al works.

All works ta guys i would say if i can help you but im rubbish at this so wont lol

Ta again