Font Trouble
BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Beginners Area/Font Trouble
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I was working on a simple avoiding game and I wanted to use some True Type fonts (Broadway) when I ran the program the stuff that I wanted to print worked but not in the Font I wanted. Any suggestions? Also, there are two windows whats the deal? I solved the windows problem but let me look at the fonts. EDITED TWICE |
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Some fonts are not compatible with Blitz. Almost the half of the fonts installed on my PC doesn't work with LoadFont. It depends on what type of font, I think. "Arial" does work for instance. I'm sure doing a search on this might clear that up. If you're really determined to use that particular font, use Juicyfonts. It converts any font into a bitmap font. |
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Why the heck are there two windows though?!? I mean blitz basic works better with fonts than this, Whats the problem? P.S Its not a symbol font, and it is a True Type font. |
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Also, when I put an image on the code to be drawn (if that's a word) and it goes in the second window and the font in the first. I'm clueless but I'll work at it to see whats the matter. Wait one more problem I got, now whenever I run the program it says "invalid font handle." Just wanted to know why. |
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can you post the code for us to examine? |
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Actually I solved that problem, but with the 'Input' function a prompt window appears, dispite my program being in Graphics mode. Here's the code. I don't want the prompt window. Graphics 800,600 ;Images COE=LoadImage("cube_of_evil.bmp") hand=LoadImage("hand.bmp") title=LoadImage("title.bmp") Xbound=LoadImage("X-boundary") Ybound=LoadImage("Y-boundary") ;Fonts fntArial=LoadFont("Arial",48,False,True,False) fntbroadway=LoadFont("Broadway",36,False,False,False) fntgameover=LoadFont("Chiller",48,True,True,False) While Not KeyDown(1) SetFont fntArial Color 0,0,255 DrawImage title,200,0 .menu SetFont fntbroadway Text 300,250,"New Game > 1",False,False Text 300,300,"High Score > 2",False,False Text 300,350,"Options > 3",False,False I=Input("What d'ya want?") If I=1 Gosub Game If I=2 Gosub HighScore If I=3 Gosub Options Delay 25 Flip Wend .Game Cls Text 300,300,"GAME" Delay 5000 End .HighScore Text 300,300,"HIGH SCORE" Delay 5000 End .Options Text 300,300,"OPTIONS" Delay 5000 End NOTE: Just a proto-type |
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At the last post in this thread, Matty suggest a code archive entry that does that: |
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Thanks!!! your a lifesaver :) I'm sure my game'll be done soon! |