Value not changing?
BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Beginners Area/Value not changing?
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Hey- I am having a problem with my program, shown simplified below: Global runspeed = 10 Global xVel = 0 Global yVel = 0 While Not KeyHit(1) If KeyDown(17) And xVel < runSpeed Then xVel = xVel+1 If KeyDown(31) And xVel > (0-runSpeed) Then xVel = xVel-1 If KeyDown(30) And yVel > (0-runSpeed) Then yVel = yVel-1 If KeyDown(32) And yVel < runSpeed Then yVel = yVel+1 Print xVel+","+yVel Delay 1000 Wend I have tried the code with both KeyHit and KeyDown When I run the above code, I get 0,0 0,0 0,0 ad infinitum. How can I fix this? |
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I can't see anything wrong with that code, but the delay may be causing problems - as a quick test how about trying:Global runspeed = 10 Global xVel = 0 Global yVel = 0 While Not KeyHit(1) If KeyDown(17) And xVel < runSpeed Then xVel = xVel+1 If KeyDown(31) And xVel > (0-runSpeed) Then xVel = xVel-1 If KeyDown(30) And yVel > (0-runSpeed) Then yVel = yVel-1 If KeyDown(32) And yVel < runSpeed Then yVel = yVel+1 if xVel<>0 or yVel<>0 then Print xVel+","+yVel Wend |
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Nada. BTW all my other scancodes work fine |
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Well, if it's any comfort, your code performs the same weird result on my computer. I'll be working on this one, so post if you solve it. |
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Global runspeed = 10 Global xVel = 0 Global yVel = 0 Graphics 640, 480, 0, 2 SetBuffer BackBuffer() Color 255, 255, 255 While Not KeyHit(1) Cls If KeyDown(17) And xVel < runSpeed Then xVel = xVel+1 If KeyDown(31) And xVel > (0-runSpeed) Then xVel = xVel-1 If KeyDown(30) And yVel > (0-runSpeed) Then yVel = yVel-1 If KeyDown(32) And yVel < runSpeed Then yVel = yVel+1 Text 0, 0, (Str xVel) + ","+ (Str yVel) Delay 100 Flip Wend EndGraphics I got it to work inside a graphics mode. I take it that your are creating player input which would be called with the graphics mode running, so I am assuming this will be a reasonable work-around for you. It's awfully peculiar that it won't work in a console program--if I find something in the bug reports, I'll post it here. |
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It doesn't work in my graphics mode game. |
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I'd have to see your code if I was to figure anything out for you. Post it if you like; otherwise, good luck! |
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worked fine for me, win XP, blitz plus v1.44 |
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If KeyDown(17) And xVel < runSpeed Then xVel = xVel+1 If KeyDown(31) And xVel > (0-runSpeed) Then xVel = xVel-1 If KeyDown(30) And yVel > (0-runSpeed) Then yVel = yVel-1 If KeyDown(32) And yVel < runSpeed Then yVel = yVel+1 is the exact code written in my game. I don't my game in front of me (I'm using a different computer) but I will post it. |
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There is a hint in this thread that can hopefully help you. |
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D'oh! I think there was a code error (different variables). I am testing my game right now. |
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Tested and nischt response. What could be causing this |
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If you had read Skidracer's reply above, you would know what was causing it. Clue: The expressions are not being evaluated in the order you think they are, and Skidracer's link tells you why and how to fix it. |
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This all sounded familiar. Didn't someone comment on this a few years ago? Sure enough, it was me. I had completely forgotten. |