Hello everyone! I have a question.

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/Hello everyone! I have a question.

ChrisM28(Posted 2015) [#1]
Before i start, i would like to say hello to everyone here, and that I'm a newbie programmer. I have always wanted to create video games, that are not "main stream" something unique that a lot of us programmers strive for. I found BlitzPlus, a few days ago, and have been experimenting with it for four days now. And i have to hand it to the developers of this language, it's easy yet maintains some complexity. The complexity of it; is that I've never worked with BlitzPlus before. So, this leaves me with a huge knowledge gap. Here is the beginner code that comes with the software and i want to know if I'm doing this right. For example, i would like to know, if I'm writing the score variable along with the value in the proper spot below the Global variables. T

If iScore>0 Then
Text 200,200, "Score = "+iScore

     If iScore<0 Then
     Text 200,200, "You're in the Negatives!"

     Text 200,200, "No Score Yet!"    

This being the score variables and values under this.

;Create global variables here.
Global iMech 	  = 100	;Holds the current to Mech durability.
Global iArmor 	  = 50	;Holds the current to Armor durability.
Global iShields   = 50	;Holds the current to Shield durability.
Global iStructure = 50      ;Holds the current to structure durability.

;; Commenting code demo!
;; Developed by: Krylar
;; Last Revision: 10/09/2000

;Setup constands.
Const g_ScreenWidth=800, g_ScreenHeight=600

;create constants here
;Holds scan-code of keyboard's spacebar
Const kSpacebar = 57

;Call BB Graphics rutine, to initialize Direct X
Graphics g_ScreenWidth, g_ScreenHeight
Graphics 1024,768

;Setup BlitzBasic to support page-flipping
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

;Create a global variable for the player's image.
Global g_PlayerImage

;Create globals to keep track of the mouse positions.
Global g_OldMousex=1, g_OlderMousey=1

;Create global variables here.
Global iMech 	  = 100	;Holds the current to Mech durability.
Global iArmor 	  = 50	;Holds the current to Armor durability.
Global iShields   = 50	;Holds the current to Shield durability.
Global iStructure = 50 ;Holds the current to Structure durability.

If iScore>0 Then
Text 200,200, "Score = "+iScore

     If iScore<0 Then
     Text 200,200, "You're in the Negatives!"

     Text 200,200, "No Score Yet!"    

;Create a type (This is similar to a C/C++ Struct)
Type MainMech
	Field x#,y#
End Type

;Create an object of MainMech, called Mech.
Mech.MainMech=New MainMech

;Set the x,y for the Mech.

;Call BlitzBasic's LoadImage function, to load the .JPG. (.BMP works to)
;Make sure you put the proper path to the .JPG!

;Main game loop, goes here.
;While the ESC key is not pressed
While Not KeyHit(1)
	;If mouse position isn't the same as last loop,
        ;update the x,y coords for the Mech.
	if g_OldMouseX<>MouseX() or g_OldMouseY<>MouseY()

		;Update the X Coord for the Mech Placement.

		;Update the Y Coord for the Mech Placement.

	End If
	;Save the current Mouse x,y
	g_OldMouseY = MouseX()
	g_OldMouseY = MouseY()

	;Call BlitzBasic's DrawImage Function to put the Mech
	;Up in the proper spot.
	DrawImage g_PlayerImage, Mech\x#, Mech\y#

	;Call BlitzBasic's Flip Function to Flip the pages.

	;Clead the back buffer
;end of main loop.

;Free the Mech Object
Delete Mech

;End of program.

ChrisM28(Posted 2015) [#2]
Though this code compiles, it shows the goodmech on the screen along with it being moveable via the mouse. However, I'm not quite sure how to get the rest of it in, the badmech

(ascending downward on the screen shooting at the player.)

Another one i am having trouble on figuring out is how to set the powerups, health, and 1x to ascend down to the player mech. Now, this isn't a scroller, but more less a game ware the player can move around on the map, but as you progress in the game, it gets harder and harder as the mechs become more frequent and stronger, with stronger fire power.