Why is this code not drawing lines?
BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/Why is this code not drawing lines?
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Why does this just give me a blank screen? ...Graphics 800,600,0,0 SetBuffer BackBuffer() SeedRnd MilliSecs() While Not KeyDown(1) Color Rnd(255),Rnd(255),Rnd(255) Line Rnd(800),Rnd(600),Rnd(800),Rnd(600) Wend End |
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It needs a Flip before the Wend, or if you are NOT using BlitzPlus and do indeed want to draw to the frontbuffer without flipping change SetBuffer BackBuffer() to SetBuffer FrontBuffer() at the top. I don't think the FrontBuffer() is currently supported in BlitzPlus however. |
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That's right. I tried the front buffer setting - no good. I have surrendered to the inescapable and started flipping! |