I've been messing around with some network stuff in the Blitz Plus demo, and came across this problem with the opentcpstream() command. If i'm trying to connect to machine x at IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, and there is no response from the machine, Blitz trys to connect repeatedly. It usually gets to about the third attempt before completely freezing the program, and i have to shut it down through task manager.
Is there any way i can stop this happening? I was under the impression that if no connection could be made, the command returns a 0 value. My program is just sticking on that command until the program crashes.
While we're here. Anyone know where i can get the last Blitz 2D update. I formatted my hard drive, last week, and now I can't get the damn thing to work again, since IE6 is installed (hence the messing around with the B+ demo).