animimage trouble...

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/animimage trouble...

GrrBrr(Posted 2004) [#1]
i try doing the following, for creating a pixelfont with variable colors: (my png-s are black on white ground, one for the outline of the font and one for filling)

Global FontA = LoadImage("font1.png",120,108
Global FontB = LoadImage("font2.png",120,108)

Global xFontA = CreateImage(120,108)
Global xFontB = CreateImage(120,108)
Global mFont = CreateImage(12,12,90)


Function ColorFont(c1%,c2%)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(xFontA)
ClsColor GetR(c1%),GetG(c1%),GetB(c1%)

	DrawImage FontA,0,0

SetBuffer ImageBuffer(xFontB)
ClsColor GetR(c2%),GetG(c2%),GetB(c2%)

	DrawImage FontB,0,0

SetBuffer ImageBuffer(mFont)
	DrawImage xFontA,0,0
	DrawImage xFontB,0,0

End Function

The Problem is, i need the mFont as AnimImage but when I run it like this it only draws on the first frame. if i use for-next loops to draw each frame seperatly it gets really slow..

my questions:
can i convert an normal image to an animimage-strip?
are there possibilitys to work with animimage as normal images, ignoring frame-separation?
does anybody know a faster solution to solve this?


P.S. Uh, Oh, sorry for my bad english...

GrrBrr(Posted 2004) [#2]
oh, theres sth wrong.. of course the correct syntax is:
Global FontA = LoadImage("font1.png")
Global FontB = LoadImage("font2.png")

just copied it wrong in the forum

GfK(Posted 2004) [#3]
can i convert an normal image to an animimage-strip?
An 'animimage strip' *is* a normal image.

You need to use LoadAnimImage to load the fonts, then DrawImage image,x,y,frame to draw each character.

I can't make any sense out of what you're trying to achieve with all that CreateImage and Cls stuff, though...?

GrrBrr(Posted 2004) [#4]
"for creating a pixelfont with variable colors"

i know how to draw single frames with an animimage. the problem is that i want to realtime change colors in an image without using write or readpixel. my solution is quite fast, but it doesn't work because i can treat an animimage like a normal image.

GrrBrr(Posted 2004) [#5]
when i use an imagebuffer on an animimage it takes only the first frame :( :( :(

perhaps now the problem is discribed better.

Mr Brine(Posted 2004) [#6]
Hi GrrBrr

I think I know where youre comin from! Did you know that imagebuffer() has an optional second parameter?


if you set the frame parameter to the letter offset in the string youre trying to display

this is the line that'll need altering:

SetBuffer ImageBuffer(mFont)

hope this helps

Mr Brine

GrrBrr(Posted 2004) [#7]
i tried this, but then i need to loop through all letters doing a lot of imagebuffer and drawimage, this is quite slow.
drawing the whole image at once is much faster. but then i can't use it as imagestrip... :(

Mr Brine(Posted 2004) [#8]
heres a couple of things that might be causesing problems:

- loadimage / createimage have an optional 'flag' parameter if you aint planning on changing screen resolution mid program then I'd set the flag parameter to 2

- any kind of string manipulation is cpu intensive.

- createimage is cpu intensive.

koekebakker(Posted 2004) [#9]
fontmap = LoadAnimImage ("gfx\font.bmp",8,8,0,91)MaskImage fontmap,255,0,255

; set variables and strings

txt1$="paardje rijden is fijn."

Graphics 640,480,16

; screen building

For count=1 To Len(txt1$)
DrawImage fontmap,x,40,Asc(char$)-32
x=x+8 ; character width


I was doing some font stuff myself.
See my code above for a powerfull bmp font processing.
the font MUST be ASCII compattible.
have fun!

GrrBrr(Posted 2004) [#10]
please read carefully before you post useless information everybody already knows. thank you.

thats not the problem. I KNOW HOW TO USE ANIMIMAGE