Why is attached code so slow?
BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/Why is attached code so slow?
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The attached is a simple space invader type game (not complete !!) based on the SPIDER example that comes with BB. None of the spiders move or shoot and I limit it to 3 bullets from my ship maximum on the screen at a time. So WHY is it so slow - the ship crawls along the bottom , the bullets are slow and none os the spiders disappear when hit? I think the problem may be in the checkcollision routine but not sure. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance Graphics 640,480,0,1 SetBuffer BackBuffer() Type AlienData Field xpos, ypos End Type Type BulletData Field xpos,ypos End Type Const Alien_ypos_Start = 460 Const Alien_Anim_Pause = 4 Global Aliens = LoadImage("c:/Program Files/BlitzPlus/COURSE/AlienShapes.bmp") Global Player = LoadImage("c:/Program Files/BlitzPlus/COURSE/Player.bmp") Global Bullets = LoadImage("c:/Program Files/BlitzPlus/COURSE/Bullet.bmp") Global shotgun = LoadSound("c:/Program Files/BlitzPlus/COURSE/shotgun.wav") Global Alienhit = LoadSound("c:/Program Files/BlitzPlus/COURSE/toyduck.wav") Global logo = LoadImage("c:/Program Files/BlitzPlus/COURSE/Alienlogo_small.bmp") Global theend = LoadImage("c:/Program Files/BlitzPlus/COURSE/game_over.bmp") Global score = 0 Global Alien.AlienData Global Bullet.BulletData Global GameOver = False Global Playerxpos = 320 Global Playerypos = 360 Global livebullets =0 SoundPan Alienhit,-1 SoundPan shotgun,1 ;IntroScreen() InitAlien() Repeat If GameOver = True Then GameoverScreen() InitAlien() GameOver = False score = 0 Else DrawScreen() DrawEnemies() DrawShip() DrawBullets() checkcollision() Flip EndIf Until KeyDown(1) TerminateProgram() Function InitAlien() For tempy=1 To 3 For tempx=1 To 10 Alien.AlienData = New AlienData Alien\xpos = 40+tempx*50 Alien\ypos = tempy*40 Next Next End Function Function GameoverScreen() ClearScreens() SetBuffer FrontBuffer() DrawImage theend,50,80 Color 255,255,255 Text 200,200,"You reached a score of "+score Text 300,310,"Press spacebar to continue",1,1 Repeat Until KeyDown(57) ClearScreens() End Function Function DrawScreen() Viewport 0,0,640,480 Cls Color 255,255,255 Text 0,0,"Score "+score Color 0,255,0 Line 0,399,640,399 Line 0,15,640,15 Viewport 0,15,640,385 End Function Function TerminateProgram() FreeSound shotgun FreeSound Alienhit FreeImage Aliens FreeImage logo FreeImage theend End End Function Function DrawEnemies() For Alien = Each AlienData DrawImage Aliens,Alien\xpos,Alien\ypos Next End Function Function CheckCollision() For bullet = Each bulletdata For alien = Each aliendata If ImagesOverlap(bullets,bullet\xpos,bullet\ypos,Aliens,Alien\xpos,Alien\ypos) Then PlaySound Alienhit score = score + 1000 Delete Alien EndIf Next Next If score Mod 10 = 0 Then InitAlien() End Function Function DrawShip() DrawImage Player, Playerxpos, Playerypos If KeyDown(205) Then playerxpos=playerxpos+1 If KeyDown(203) Then playerxpos=playerxpos-1 End Function Function DrawBullets() If KeyHit(57) And livebullets<3 Then livebullets=livebullets+1 Bullet.BulletData = New BulletData Bullet\xpos = playerxpos+10 Bullet\ypos = 350 PlaySound shotgun EndIf For Bullet = Each BulletData DrawImage Bullets, Bullet\xpos, Bullet\ypos Bullet\ypos=bullet\ypos-8 If bullet\ypos<0 Then livebullets=livebullets-1 Delete bullet EndIf Next End Function Function ClearScreens() Viewport 0,0,640,480 SetBuffer FrontBuffer() Cls SetBuffer BackBuffer() Cls End Function |
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well, i have no idea why it would be as slow as you describe, but as for the disappearing: When i use types i dont do it like this: [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ For bullet = Each bulletdata For alien = Each aliendata If ImagesOverlap(bullets,bullet\xpos,bullet\ypos,Aliens,Alien\xpos,Alien\ypos) Then PlaySound Alienhit score = score + 1000 Delete Alien EndIf Next Next [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ instead, i do this: [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ For bullet.bulletdata = Each bulletdata For alien.aliendata = Each aliendata If ImagesOverlap(bullets,bullet\xpos,bullet\ypos,Aliens,Alien\xpos,Alien\ypos) Then PlaySound Alienhit score = score + 1000 Delete alien.aliendata EndIf Next Next ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] and well, things work.... IF thats a problem... sorry if im not helping, but i try.. |
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aab and Markh999 Use the [code][/code[ or [codebox][/codebox[ tags for your codes. |
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The Code Box would be too big: too many times have i made a code box with a big black space inbetween the base of the code and the next line |
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use codebox instead. This has scrolly widgets on the sides and is a fixed size. |
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the code is slow because you are making 30 instances of the type AlienData every loop through this function. the line "If score Mod 10 = 0 Then InitAlien()" is 0 all the time, so although the aliens get killed, instantaneously new ones appear. Comment out the line and try it. Function CheckCollision() For Bullet.BulletData = Each BulletData For Alien.AlienData = Each AlienData If ImagesOverlap(bullets,Bullet\xpos,Bullet\ypos,Aliens,Alien\xpos,Alien\ypos) Then PlaySound Alienhit score = score + 1000 Delete Alien EndIf Next Next If score Mod 10 = 0 Then InitAlien() End Function and Mark, look for some nice code examples and check out the formatting, makes it so much easier to decipher if it is nicely formatted. And also, it is maybe better too, if you have a variable "Aliens" not to call it "aliens", and having a variable "Aliens" and another one "Alien" is OK, but kinda confusing too :) |