Fast contour fill algorithm?
BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/Fast contour fill algorithm?
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Hi everyone, Does anyone know a fast algorithm for filling in a bounded area of a screen in a given colour? I've tried writing two different recursive algorithms, but the first one caused a stack overflow error, and the second one was painfully slow. Many thanks, Ryan Moody P.S. I'm actually using Blitz2D, not BlitzPlus. |
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Sorry guys, may have found a solution. I forgot you could lock buffers and use the commands ReadPixelFast etc. I'll post my findings later on... Ryan Moody |
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Still a stack overflow problem. Here's my code:Function PERFORM_FILL() SetBuffer ImageBuffer(Picture) LockBuffer FILL_COLOUR = ReadPixelFast(TURTLE_X, TURTLE_Y) FILL( TURTLE_X, TURTLE_Y ) UnlockBuffer SetBuffer BackBuffer() End Function Function FILL( xPos, yPos ) If isSameColour( xPos, yPos ) If xPos>=0 And xPos<=SCREEN_WIDTH And yPos>=0 And yPos<=SCREEN_HEIGHT Plot xPos, yPos FILL( xPos, yPos - 1 ) FILL( xPos + 1, yPos ) FILL( xPos, yPos + 1 ) FILL( xPos - 1, yPos ) EndIf EndIf End Function Function isSameColour( xPos, yPos ) Return ReadPixelFast(xPos, yPos) = FILL_COLOUR End Function Any ideas on how to optimise this? Thanks, Ryan Moody |
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Have you declared FILL_COLOUR as global elsewhere otherwise it will be 0 in isSameColour! As you have locked the buffer, why not use WritePixelFast instead of plot. So each call of Fill calls four more right? This will lead to a big stack in no time at all e.g. 1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096 etc. Maybe BB can't handle it after 20 or so iterations! Come to think of it, it might be an inifinite loop unless your bounds check prevents this. I note that your ifSameColour test in Fill doesn't check the bounds and thus you could be testing an offscreen pixel (by 1 pixel). Also your code keeps drawing over the same pixels, I think, and seems bit inefficient. I thought the idea with filling was to do it in horizontal (or vertical) lines, going across until you reach a boundary (of the shape) or the edge of the screen. But there may be much better methods. |
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Here's a fast one, from the early days of Blitz Basic. You will have to tinker with this a little. Front/Back buffer handling is different in BlitzPlus. ;FastPixelFill ;Written by Thomas A. Stevenson (wargamer) ; thomas99@... ;2/16/01 ;Blitzbasic 1.42 ;This is a super fast floodfill routine that ;utilizes WritePixelFast and a list of active points ;to quickly fill any kind of blank area (color 0,0,0) ;inside or outside a boundry of any non blank color ;Send me a email if you find it useful ;but feel free to use it or modify it in any manner SeedRnd MilliSecs() Const scrnw = 800 Const scrnh = 600 Global white Global currentP,LastP,MaxP=5000,ActiveP,MaxA Dim PList(1) Dim dirX(8),dirY(8) diry(1)=-1 dirx(2)= 1 dirY(3)= 1 dirx(4)=-1 ;main *************************************************** Graphics scrnw, scrnh SetBuffer FrontBuffer() ;Draw a hexagon with fractal sides xHand=DrawLumb(400,300,200,20,60) ;Flood the inside on screen OnScreenfloodFill(xHand,100,100) WaitKey ;flood the outside on screen OnScreenfloodFill(xHand,2,2) WaitKey ;flood the inside off screen Pcolor=255 Shl 16+ 10 Shl 8 + 10 floodFill(xHand,100,100,Pcolor) WaitKey ;flood the outside off screen Pcolor=10 Shl 16+ 255 Shl 8 + 10 floodFill(xHand,10,10,Pcolor) WaitKey End ;Functions ************************************************ Function OnScreenfloodFill(source,x,y) SetBuffer FrontBuffer() Cls DrawBlock source, 0,0 t0=MilliSecs() Dim PList(maxP) Pcolor=100 Shl 16+ 100 Shl 8 + 100 currentP=0 LastP=0 Plist(LastP)=y Shl 16 + x LockBuffer WritePixelFast x,y,PColor Repeat Until NextPoint(Pcolor,scrnW,ScrnH)=0 UnlockBuffer t1=MilliSecs() Color 255,255,255 Text 700,0,"Time "+Str$(t1-t0) ;Text 700,20,"MaxA "+Str$(maxA) End Function Function floodFill(source,x,y,Pcolor) t0=MilliSecs() w=ImageWidth(source) h=ImageHeight(source) SBuffer=ImageBuffer(source) SetBuffer Sbuffer Dim PList(maxP) currentP=0 LastP=0 Plist(LastP)=y Shl 16 + x LockBuffer WritePixelFast x,y,PColor Repeat Until NextPoint(Pcolor,w,h)=0 UnlockBuffer t1=MilliSecs() SetBuffer FrontBuffer() Cls DrawBlock source,0,0 Color 255,255,255 Text 700,0,"Time "+Str$(t1-t0) End Function Function NextPoint(PColor,w,h) ;pull a point off the list of active points ActiveP=ActiveP-1 x0=PList(currentP) And 65535 Y0=PList(currentP) Shr 16 ;check the four adjacent pixels For i=1 To 4 x=x0+dirX(i) y=y0+dirY(i) If x<0 ElseIf y<0 ElseIf x>W ElseIf y>H ElseIf ( ReadPixelFast( x, y ) And $ffffff ) = 0 Then ; ****** see NOTE2 ; if blank, color and add to active list WritePixelFast x,y,PColor LastP=LastP+1 ActiveP=ActiveP+1 If LastP>maxP Then LastP=0 ;wrap around if at end Plist(LastP)=y Shl 16 + x ;add pixel list EndIf Next ;If ActiveP>maxA Then maxA=ActiveP ;for debugging ;set current point to next on list currentP=currentP+1 If currentP>MaxP Then currentP = 0 ;if at end wrap around Return ActiveP ;we're done when there's no more active points End Function Function fracture(x0,y0,x2,y2,H, Power#, counter) ;Recursive routine for roughing up a line If counter<1 Line x0,y0,x2,y2 Else x1=(x0+x2)/2+H*Rnd(-1,1) y1=(y0+y2)/2+H*Rnd(-1,1) H=H^(power) fracture (x0,y0,x1,y1,H,Power,counter-1) fracture (x1,y1,x2,y2,H,Power,counter-1) EndIf End Function Function DrawLumb(cx,cy,r,m,ang) Color 255,255,255 For i=1 To 6 x1=cx+r*Sin((i-1)*ang) y1=cy+r*Cos((i-1)*ang) x2=cx+r*Sin(i*ang) y2=cy+r*Cos(I*ang) amp=r/5 fracture(x1,y1,x2,y2,amp,0.8,5) Next ;saved it as an image xhand=CreateImage(2*r+2*m,2*r+2*m) GrabImage xhand,cx-r-m,cy-r-m Return xhand End Function |
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Hi guys, FILL_COLOUR is indeed global, and I soon realised after posting my entries that I should have used WritePixelFast instead of Plot. Good call on the bound checking for isSameColour too Grey Alien. Thanks Floyd, I'll see what I can do with your piece of code. Ryan Moody |
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Here's my effort from many a moon ago. Fast Flood Fill |