help with types needed

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Programming/help with types needed

Schragnasher(Posted 2005) [#1]
OK i need some help with this code, it wont work for some reason.

Const g_ScreenWidth=800, g_ScreenHeight=600 ; Call the BB "Graphics" routine to initialize DirectX
Graphics g_ScreenWidth, g_ScreenHeight,32,1 ; Set up BB to support page-flipping
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
TFormFilter Enable

Global bg_image1


Type player
Field shipframes
Field shipframe
Field shipx
Field shipy
Field shipdirection
End Type

player1.player=New player

While Not KeyHit(1)

Function drawbg()
DrawImage bg_image1,0,0
End Function

Function updateplayers()
If KeyDown(17) Then ;W
End If
If KeyDown(30) Then ;a
End If
If KeyDown(31) Then ;s
End If
If KeyDown(32) Then ;d
End If
End Function

Function drawplayers()
; get a error here about it needing to be a type ?o.0?
DrawImage player1\shipframes,0,0

End Function

Delete player1

As the comment says "DrawImage player1\shipframes,0,0 " gives me an error about needing to be a type?

Regular K(Posted 2005) [#2]
player1 needs to be global, as you can only use variables made in the function and global variables in a function.

And why is "Delete player1" at the end?

Grey Alien(Posted 2005) [#3]
It would make more sense for readability to put the Delete Player 1 after the Wend and then add an End command just to show where the program stops running.

Even though Delete Player1 is on the end at the moment, it will still run because the functions don't run unless they are called.

Finally I don't think you need to call Delete player1 as Blitz does it for you, although it is good practice. I prefer a CleanUp function that I call last, and in it I put all my Deletes.